Cannes Lions


VCCP, Madrid / PUIG / 2015

Supporting Content
Case Film
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The output of the Project were several paintings mixing blue, pink and Golden ink into a canvas in a unique way.

After weeks of experiments and the assessment of the paintor Norberto Calleja, we got to transform the EEG data into artwork by using right business rules that generated the optimum mix and distribution of colours.

This technology ensures that there is no painting similar to the other as the brain activation of each person differs or according to different stimilus.

This campaign opens a new innovation area by mixing the human being’s organic parameters as input to be transformed in order to generate unique and personalized representations.

The paintings were exhibited at the subway of Madrid the days before Mother's Day so people could see what a child is capable to feel for his mother. After that, each son gave his mother the painting as the Mother's Day present.


We designed and created a technology that monitors brain activity to receive sensory input and translates the parameters analyzed into a unique piece of art.

We used two technologies:

1st) Electro-encephalography technology (EEG)

A non-invasive method used in neuroscience to record electrical activity of the brain along the scalp. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain.

We used an inexpensive EEG device (less tan $100 USD) to collect children brain’s activation while smelling their mother’s perfume.

2nd) Arduino

An open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects such us kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world.

This technology received inputs from EEG sensors and transformed this data into concrete orders for an electronic arm with ink jets that were activated using this information.

3rd) Robotic “paintor arm”

We build a robotic “paintor arm” that executed the business rules defined to paint white canvas.

After analysing of the normal EEG parameters, we defined business rules that activated ink jets using Arduino technology:

- Depending on the area of the brain that reacts, different ink jets were activated (blue or pink)

- Depending on the concrete situation in the brain of the reaction, ink is released in a concrete area of the canvas.

- Depending on the intensity of the brain activity, ink jets have different intensity. With aximum activity, golden ink jets were activated.

The result was a unique painting collection about the love for mothers that was exhibited in Madrid’s Metro.

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2017, PUIG

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