Cannes Lions

Shell Deepwater VR Experience

INHANCE DIGITAL, Los Angeles / SHELL / 2016

Case Film






VR technology has only recently developed to the point where it can be effectively used in a context such as this. This medium could allow us to transport our audience to otherwise inaccessible places, to see and hear things they could not otherwise experience - and this could all happen in a virtual version of the Gulf environment that fully expressed the client’s brand values. We had to showcase the innovative technology involved in this industry, in accurate detail. We had to describe the benefits of unlocking new sources of energy while illustrating the attention to safety and protection of the environment, through computer monitoring and advanced communication networks. In a computer-generated environment this would be possible through precise models of real world equipment combined with infographic treatments. The ocean world and the wildlife that coexists with deepwater operations could also be depicted realistically, and all at close range.


This project is a combination of existing and custom-developed technology, enabling traditional visual storytelling techniques as well as new approaches specific to this medium. The experience was built on the Samsung Gear VR “Innovator Edition” platform running a custom real time 3D application driving 360-degree, stereoscopic imagery. The creation of these immersive environments required the development of new production techniques, pipelines, and compositing approaches.

Since the audience would be unfamiliar with the VR environment we carefully designed elements such as warning messages and camera moves. And users were seamlessly eased into the VR experience when first donning the headset through a virtual version of the actual event pavilion.

Some new storytelling approaches were also employed: in an experience fully rendered in three dimensions this journey also includes a fourth, the dimension of time: in some places one is traveling not just through space but also through 3D graphical history.


The client wanted to convey a human-centric, reassuring representation of offshore operations and the Shell brand, while educating their audience about how energy is found and produced, expressing themes of innovation, experience, safety and environmental responsibility. At the same time, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival audience wants something that makes them say, “this is awesome!” - and they were not disappointed: every day of the event, the festival attendees were lining up for the experience. It was accessible to everyone. More than 1500 attendees went through this experience during the 4 day event. And they left with a greater understanding of offshore operations - some Shell employees even remarked on the accuracy of the depictions - while gaining a new perspective on the industry, including its relationship with the environment, both wildlife and human.

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