Cannes Lions


MORE MEDIA, Santander / ISLAZUL / 2011

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The idea: organizing a Siesta Championship in "Islazul" (Shopping centre). Making it attractive to: - The client (accomplishing its objectives)- The client's customers (free lunch, t-shirt, easy to participate, funny, all age's friendly, good prizes)- The media (An original idea, based on a beloved tradition, would create affinity with the general public mainly in Spain but also worldwide) The client's objectives:- Increasing the flow of customers.- Enhancing the shopping centre's brand image. Relate it with the concepts of rest and relaxation. - We gave birth to the idea on internet.

- We created ANAS (National Association of Friends of la Siesta) the organizers.- Open fire on social networking. When people started talking about it, - We launched a website where we called a photo/video contest of Siesta and- Started talking about organizing a real championship as ANAS. - 2 months later, announced that ANAS has found a place and sponsor to hold the championship: "Islazul".

- Started the publicity campaign and named the championship.- It lasted 9 days. More than 300 people participated.- First day main national media covered the championship, during the course of the event, more and more national/international media joined them.

- Affluence of customers increased 12.5% compared with last year.


August: started social networking.- August 17th: Launched website and A.N.A.S called a photo/video contest.- Idea of the championship was presented as a dream and A.N.A.S was looking for a sponsor.

- Late September: Islazul sponsorship appeared. Siesta championship was called.

- A.N.A.S sent amateur press releases. Announced it on the website, social networking and created a viral video.- October 1st: started the publicity campaign focus on Madrid: TV, press, internet and a double-decker bus. - October 5th: Exhibition of internet photo contest and entire mall was decorated with the championship.

- October 14th: started the championship.

- PR campaign started too: national major TV, press and radio media were summoned and came en masse to cover the start.- During the following days more national/international media joined them.- An avalanche of interviews continued until last day.- At the prize ceremony the official song of la siesta was performed.


- Traffic flow raised 12.5%- The championship appeared in more than 300 media outlets in 43 different countries.- Publicity impact estimation was valued in Spain in 1.6 million Euros and the total impact worldwide in more than 4.2 million Euros.- The website received more than 65,000 visits.- More than 1,500 friends on social networking websites.- More than 1,150 fans.- More than 10,000 video reproductions talking about the championship.- First day of the event the siesta championship became the 1st result for Google News worldwide for the word Spain.

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