Cannes Lions

SHOT ON iPHONE / Short-film Campaign

TBWA\MEDIA ARTS LAB, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Supporting Content






At its core, the “Shot on iPhone” campaign has no advertising artifice—just a clear showcase of what the device in your pocket is capable of capturing.

In the mobile phone market, "camera quality" shapes perceptions that drive both upgrades and switching. In the countries where we released the "Shot on iPhone" films, the market is cluttered with competitor messages that focus heavily on technical specifications but completely miss the experiences people actually want from their cameras.

Our films put the device in the hands of world-class writers, directors, and actors to bring iconic stories to life. This reminds audiences that true camera superiority is proven through the only feature that really matters: the output.


"Shot on iPhone" is pure product demonstration. Launch 3 short-films demonstrating 3 key camera features for Apple’s 3 key markets. Each entirely shot on iPhone.

In China, as insecurity and anxiety among youth reached unprecedented levels, Apple released a Chinese New Year film with a simple yet provocative message to remind them that they are enough, viewed through the lens of the iPhone 15.

In Mexico, Apple meticulously crafted a film to resonate with Mexicans, revamping the Lucha Libre genre and restoring the reputation of luchadores by spotlighting the iPhone’s capabilities.

In Japan, every second of the 19-minute film pushed the boundaries of what’s possible with the iPhone 15 camera. This first-ever manga-to-live-action adaptation brought together two titans: Takashi Miike, one of the most influential directors alive, and Osamu Tezuka, the 'God of Manga.'


Each film served as the centerpiece of an integrated campaign with a locally tailored media strategy that highlighted the iPhone's camera capabilities. The campaign included behind-the-scenes content and short-form ads on social media, reinforcing the iPhone's cinematic qualities and its relevance in each market.

To counteract the negative effects of social media on young people's self-esteem, Apple released "Little Garlic," a short film emphasizing the iPhone's unfiltered camera capabilities. The blockbuster-style launch, with high-profile events and large-screen takeovers, aimed to inspire authenticity by challenging the trend of beauty filters and digital avatars.

In Mexico, Apple revitalized the classic lucha libre genre with content for YouTube and TikTok, spotlighting the iPhone's cinematic features while tapping into Mexican nostalgia and pride.

In Japan, Apple targeted the manga-to-live-action film genre to reach 60M manga and 20M film fans. This strategy connected with various Japanese fandoms, creating a significant impact on multiple fronts.


Our three major "Shot on iPhone" campaigns were designed with strategic implementation, carefully timed rollouts, and extensive placements to maximize scale.

For "Little Garlic," the launch targeted over a billion people in China just before the Chinese New Year, using blockbuster-style media strategies across streaming platforms. By partnering with tech influencer Tim Pan, we provided behind-the-scenes content that fueled engagement.

The "Huracán" campaign demonstrated the iPhone 14 Pro's filmmaking prowess through a Lucha Libre-inspired film. Hosted on Apple MX's YouTube channel, it spread across TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. The month-long push gained cultural relevance, driving significant engagement.

"Midnight" marked the debut of LiDAR technology in a "Shot on iPhone" campaign, with 3D scans forming the basis for all CGI. It had a grand premiere on multiple platforms, including YouTube and Apple TV, and a strong marketing presence in Tokyo's streets and on Ameba TV. The month-long campaign secured extensive coverage.


Little Garlic:

498M views, average watch time of 10 minutes, totaling over 65 million hours.

228M clicks to, nearly double YOY.

Secured double-digit advantage over Huawei in consideration and affinity.

82% of exposed audience agreed "I want an iPhone for its high-quality camera,” – a 16% increase compared to unexposed.

Among young Chinese, 70% believed the iPhone camera captured professional-grade film - 22% YOY increase.


36.8M views, over 1B organic reach.

+35% iPhone Affinity for exposed Gen Z

Largest earned positive coverage in Apple Mexico's history, with +200 top-tier outlets.

77% agreed it demonstrated Apple's respect for Mexican culture.


32.5M views in first 24hs – a third of Japan's population.

Doubled purchase intent for iPhone 15.

+650 articles in national and international coverage.

50M views, 57,000 organic mentions, 6.2B organic reach, 51.7M USD in earned media.

Most shared and talked-about Apple campaign in Japan to date.

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