Cannes Lions
Even though the rum was produced for the local market and was not considered a luxury, I really wanted to convey the sense of "international luxury", and to own the premium category... and a decanter, somehow, has always expressed that to me. So I set to design one with some type of subliminal code that even though it doesn't come across as evident, I know it's there: A Cognac glass...specifically the Balloon Snifter. And that informed my design. Then I traveled to France to get a high quality glass that could make my vision a reality. There, I decided to work on the cork with the same passion I would on the bottle. Details. With simplicity, we crafted the design elements and encrusted the gold logo on the glass of the cork and then moved to another region to work on the seal. Then worked my way down to the neck in a fine printer in Amsterdam. I wanted a product that despite the fact that it was born in a Caribbean should be dressed for the world.
The final product fulfilled the expectations of the client and customers, therefore increasing the value of the product and that of the company as well. ROI.
According to research, Dominican customers feel "proud" having a nice and expensive looking product on their table and for "cultural reasons" this turned out to be very important to them...and we took the opportunity. This decanter started all. Now the company is redesigning everything to match the positive perception and status Siglo de Oro brought to their portfolio.
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