Cannes Lions


SID LEE, Paris / ANSELL / 2017

Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film






Let’s face it, if nobody wants to talk about condoms, you can forget about starting a meaningful conversation about condom materials. Given the revolutionary nature of SKYNFEEL™ (the material SKYN® condoms are made of) we needed raise awareness and create a conversation that’s actually worth having.

In the context of the Rio Olympics, performance apparel and technological innovation around it is a hot topic. So, capitalising on the momentum behind this topic, we created our own piece of performance wear. We partnered with Pauline van Dongen, a pioneer in the field of concept apparel, and created a one-off piece of sporting gear, sparking conversations around the brand and the material on a myriad of new platforms.

We documented the process and generated a range of PR materials which we seeded with a carefully-designed PR strategy.

In a category nobody wants to talk about, we got the Internet talking about SKYNFEEL™


The PR campaign launched in the week leading up to the Rio Olympics with teaser films on owned channels. These social posts hinted at the unexpected idea of taking our innovative SKYNFEEL™ material out of the bedroom and onto the athletics track.

On the day of the opening ceremony, we launched the full film and accompanying PR materials across all our key markets globally with local support in each market.

These materials were further distributed using brand ambassadors and PR partners through a strategy that incorporated both owned and relevant paid media.

The campaign officially ran for the duration of the games with online buzz continuing unsupported well after the initial burst.


Total Reach All Content : 32,313,804 - almost half was generated through PR strategy : 14,090,844 people reached in key target segment

Optimised delivery increased campaign performance 7x (14m vs 1.9m reach)

Total Video Views : 3,680,410

Total Engagement with content : 113,242 (net of FB post clicks)

100% positive brand sentiment (660 comments analysed)

Awareness : The campaign lifted the brand’s presence +40% on Top of Mind

Trial : The campaign pushed trial +14% in ever tried the product

The brand is seen as even more different +15% and meaningful +14% than before the campaign.

Ultimately, it led to +20% in brand equity power score*.

*Source : Millward Brown Brand Tracking for Ansell - condom categories in 10 countries

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