
Sleep Well, Baby


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Orange has been the main sponsor of Summer Well from its beginnings in 2011. But as the festival grew and more sponsors joined the event, Orange’s visibility and role became less prominent.

By creating utility for the festival community, Orange was aiming at creating a stronger brand association with Summer Well.

We were aiming for a 15% increase in the no. of digital mentions of Orange in association with Summer Well festival YoY.

To get there, we needed to enable at least 100 families to enjoy the festival with the help of our Sleep Well Baby experience.


Our aim was to help parents fully enjoy the long awaited concerts and protect kids from the overstimulation that made them tired and irritable, while giving them some entertainment too. As the most intensive stimulus for the kids was loud music, we gave away headphones that replaced the noise with soothing music. And for one of the main acts, Future Islands, we created something more: we helped parents introduce their kids to their favorite band, in a way that also got the little ones to relax and fall asleep.

We turned each song from the setlist into their lullaby version that kids could hear simultaneously in their headphones during the concert. While the parents listened to the real thing on stage, kids enjoyed the exact same song, but in a baby-friendly version (reorchestrated as soft, calming lullabies) and with all the noise left out, allowing them to gradually fall asleep.


Orange is the family centric brand in telco. As the festival becomes each year more populated with families, our attention went to families with small kids (1-6 y.o.).

For the majority of Millenial parents attending the festival, going to Summer Well is a tradition that started before having a family. Although Summer Well is a family friendly festival, taking their kids along is a compromise. Kids get overstimulated and tired from the noise and crowd and the festival experience with them can raise some challenges for their parents, especially during the late night concerts they don’t want to miss.

These are the parents who are torn between wanting to offer as many experiences to their kids and the pressure of having a strong routine that would give kids stability and safety. This clash between allowing exploration and providing predictability for kids was a tension Orange wanted to solve.


First, we went in the studio to reinterpret and reorchestrate the songs as lullabies. We used female vocals and light, soft and high-pitched sounds, known to have a soothing effect on the young listeners.

During the festival, we made available 100 headphones that had two functions:

• Lullaby radio – live streaming in real time the Future Islands concert in lullaby version. For the rest of the festival, the radio would play soothing music for kids.

• Noise cancelling function for when the kids did not want lullabies, but just enjoy the concerts with their parents in a lower volume.

To amplify the activation idea, we invited mom influencers to test the Sleep Well Baby headphones and share the experience online with their communities.


The Orange activation echoed beyond the festival audience and reached a larger audience than ever expected, creating the strong brand association we were aiming for.

Orange achieved 20% more digital mentions YoY of Orange in association with Summer Well, generating a digital reach of 1.874.845 people with an engagement rate of 2,1%.

203 families enjoyed the Sleep Well Baby experience during the three days of the festival.

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