Dubai Lynx

Slow Trends

TBWA\RAAD, Dubai / CONNECT / 2018


2 Gold Dubai Lynx
3 Bronze Dubai Lynx
3 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Content
Case Film
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OntorNet (“wait for the net”) is its name in Lebanon. Ranked rock bottom in 186th place, the country suffers from the world’s slowest internet connection. The average download speed was 7 times lower than the global average while the price was 12 times more expensive. People were sick of it.

Moreover, the internet landscape was dominated by a duopoly of Telcos: Alfa and Touch. Together, they ruled the sector by tacit consent.

As small independent ISP (Internet Service Provider), Connect provided the only wireless internet solution outside Alfa and Touch, at a lower price.

With less than 0.000125% of the duopoly’s media budget, our objective was to break through the duopoly of giants to achieve:

1. Business Growth: increase share-of-bytes by stealing a tiny share of Alfa's and Touch's.

2. Brand Establishment: The campaign should shift Connect from an unknown player into a recognized third option.


We created 2 unscripted films of real people - people who happened to be there at the set of the shoot - jumping on the 2 trends

The first film appears on a beach coast of Lebanon, where we see a group of old fishermen minding their own business until the beat drops...then it’s a different story as they initiate one of the internet’s most bizarre Harlem Shakes, only 3 years late!

In the second film, we see Fadi, a 50-year-old man sporting just a tank top in the icy cold mountains of Lebanon taking on the Ice Bucket Challenge thanks to Rabih’s nomination, yet, only 2 years late! With his father to his side, he pours the freezing water on himself as his goat bleats awkwardly in the background.

Both end with the call to action message “Don’t be the last to get it. Connect faster, wherever you are."

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