Cannes Lions

Snapple fAIct Generator

DEUTSCH LA, Los Angeles / SNAPPLE / 2023

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Case Film






Over the past year, Snapple’s been busy giving the brand a fresh face for a new generation. New Gen Z bottles. New Gen Z flavors. Now was the time to bring a Gen Z take on Snapple Facts, in a truly iconic way. But how to reach them? Sure, these brand actions can be disruptive, but Gen Z isn’t watching TV, they’re on TikTok, or Instagram, or wherever their favorite creators can be found. And while every brand was racing to be the first to cut out the writers behind their ads, the goal was to use Gen Z’s favorite tech to create new facts for themselves and share them with the world. So Snapple tapped into the true power of generative AI to create an infinitely personalized and interactive brand experience for every fan.


The Snapple fAIct Generator is a first-of-its-kind tool that uses ChatGPT to help you write Snapple Facts about whatever you want. Hosted on a simple site,, the brand built a customized, Snapply version of ChatGPT in partnership with OpenAI and brought all of Snapple’s playful tone into this new generation of facts. Just plug in an adjective, add a noun, and this innovative Gen Z toy brings a new Snapple fact into existence. And thanks to this infinite engine overfilling with absurd and random knowledge, every fan can now decide the future of Snapple Facts for themselves. Some of those newly generated facts might even make it on real Snapple caps.


To celebrate an iconic milestone in the brand’s history, the Snapple fAIct Generator was developed with the same intent behind Snapple’s first facts 20 years ago. Except this time, the goal was to connect with the curiosity of a whole new generation. And it’s the same Gen Z curiosity that thirsts for flavor, hungers for knowledge, and craves connection. So we tapped into that with the help of OpenAI to create a new toy built with the infinite power to satisfy Gen Z’s boundless curiosity for knowledge.


For more than 20 years, Snapple Facts fans have savored the new knowledge under every cap. Then, on Dec 5, 2022, the New York Times heralded the launch of ChatGPT and the start of a revolution in how humans discover new knowledge. In that first month alone, ChatGPT amassed over 1.44M mentions and hit over 12B impressions in reach on social.

Meanwhile, Snapple was future-proofing the brand with new Gen Z bottles, Gen Z flavors—finally there was a way in to futuristic Snapple Facts. And within weeks, the Snapple team began building a full custom version of ChatGPT, and even engaged its makers at OpenAI to tap into their full AI capabilities. For the first time, coders and creatives worked side by side, testing and developing the perfect AI prompts that could consistently output AI facts that both met the Snapple Fact standard and matched the brand’s iconic tone.

To house this Snapply AI mind, the brand built a seemingly simple site at, where any visitor could simply plug in an adjective and a noun and generate a new Snapple fAIct. It also generated Snapple coupons and gifs of your new fAIct, so when our TikTok and Instagram creators broadcasted the launch, they could seamlessly stitch those assets into their native content. The brand even reprogrammed the QR codes on its bottles to lead fans straight to But beyond the 421 PR stories, millions of views on social media, and tens of thousands of new facts, the beauty is how many places this Snappelized version of OpenAI can still go. Whether it’s Discord, Twitch bots, Reddit threads, or YouTube, this AI Snapple Fact mind is just a simple API integration away. Infinite possibilities.


The brand launched the Snapple fAIct Generator in partnership with creators across TikTok and Instagram, who put the word out early in their own natively quirky narratives, driving millions of earned impressions in the first days of the campaign. Because the Big Idea was so clear, and the taste of new knowledge so satisfying, over 90% of the Snapple fAIct’s visitors engaged the site eager to explore, generating thousands of new facts in a matter of weeks. Snapple went from 1,677 facts in 20 years to 16,000+ facts in one month, driving 130 MILLION earned impressions. All while reinventing the iconic Snapple Facts for a whole new generation.

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