Cannes Lions

Sofa Trainers

FRIENDS\TBWA, Bucharest / LAYS / 2023

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Case Film
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Football watching is one of the key Potato Chips consumption occasions, but it has more room to grow. Lay’s is a global sponsor of UEFA Champions League since 2015 and therefore can enhance the Football experience both on the screen and in front of it. Already established partnership with local talent – Ianis Hagi, Glasgow Rangers player -since 2020

strengthen Lay’s association with Football.

replace salty seeds as the default companion snack of watching Football

reach more people on more occasions.

For our audience of football socials the interactions they have during matches can sometimes be more exciting than the game itself. During football games they love to engage with online and offline conversations, but sometimes they miss subtleties of the game due to lack of knowledge... so how could Lays help them connect with their more knowledgeable friends and enhance their football watching experience?


We wanted to champion the partnership with UCL through massive mobile-first amplification, pioneering WhatsApp activation in Romania. Sofa Trainers activation on WhatsApp brought tasty Football conversations using real time response during football matches for all Football socials who wanted to make games more entertaining through an automated bot who impersonated two football enthusiast archetypes (the funny supporter and the guru) and Ianis Hagi. Consumers would write on whatsapp to a specific number and based on what they wrote they could either talk with one of the two “Coaches” – Profu’ (the Football guru) and Mister (the funny supporter).


Football Socials are the main opportunity segment for Lay’s and they are known to enjoy the social conversation and interactions around big Football events more than the Football itself. They are not by any means experts at or passioned by Football. But they do want to be as engaged as possible during Football’s “Christmas time” – the UCL final stage. Lay’s decided to help consumers “social conversational currency” so they can better engage with the games and the talk around them

WhatsApp is the 2nd most used app in Romania, so it made sense to activate this platform in order to reach the most amount of people and it gave us the opportunity to not only be a part of the conversation but to create it and be a part of a real-time experience.



From 14/04/2022 to 24/06/2022.

• AWARENESS: REACH CAMPAIGN to build awareness on main platforms + locally relevant sport platforms.

• CONSIDERATION: Continue & enhance user experience in WhatsApp, conveying the “grab the moment” message.

Placement: TV, Digital, Instore

On Digital :

• YouTube - Primary objective Awareness, with secondary - bot interactions

• FB - Primary objective Brand Awareness, with secondary - bot interactions

• Local sites & Fame up! (micro influencers) - chatbot interactions objective (by clicks)

Scale: Romania - Achieved Reach: 4,7M users


ATL Communication results: Flawless integration of local talent drove a more meaningful & relevant communication - (Persuasion +13pp vs benchmark)

Drove next generation technology leadership by piloting one of the most popular social platforms in Romania: Achieved Reach: 4,7M users

KPI Summary:

• Impressions: 58.1mil

• Unique users: 4.7mil

• Clicks: 149.519

• Bot interactions: 7k

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