Cannes Lions

Sold Out Cancer


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In Spain, only €1 a year per person is allocated to cancer research. However, over €587 is spent on clothing. Is this because young people like to emulate their favourite influencers? What if we gave this behaviour a new social value?

CRIS Cancer Foundation, which is devoted to cancer research, wanted to level out the statistics by speaking to the younger generation on their own turf: social networks. To make their 'idols', the influencers, speak instead of the brand. How could we do this without the users feeling pressured? Easy: by bringing together fashion and charity.

The campaign focused on reaching the younger population, speaking their language, speaking through today's people and through their greatest influences. Of course, we saw the solution was to use a platform young people frequently use: 21Buttons. Here, they can establish a direct relationship with the influencers, imitating them and striving to be like them.


Sold Out Cancer. A new and very modern way to donate through social networks.

We transformed the 21Buttons platform, the largest fashion social network in Spain and Europe, with over eight million users, into the first social network on which you can donate directly.

People can now donate by using the same hashtags that influencers use to sell their outfits. When clicking on the pieces of clothing, users may either purchase them or donate to a type of cancer affecting the tagged body part, directly from this platform.

We used the normal behaviour patterns of this platform and adapted them to our goal, which was to reach the younger population and increase donations.


Society has changed how it consumes, and social networks are now the most used channels. This is why we are delving into them. The influencers helped to share our message further. They use today's language, which is what we need to target a younger audience - the future of our society.

They raise awareness at a young age about the importance of contributing to cancer research, since this problem can affect anyone.

The platform is essential. We give the users a direct link to the donation action, using a payment method they already know very well. We take the donation to their turf so they don't have to search for it. We also provide a social value to these platforms where purchasing material things is as simple as clicking and adding your credit card number. This simple purchasing process now gives you the option of contributing to a social cause.


We gathered eight of the most relevant Spanish influencers and collaborated with over 1,000 micro-influencers (with nearly 9 million followers). We used their Instagram accounts to redirect users to one of their posts on 21Buttons - a post in which they uploaded a very special outfit. They tagged each of the pieces of their outfits with 'buttons', including tags labelling the type of cancer that affects that specific area of the body. This tag allowed the user to donate directly. For the first time, these influencers were not seeking to sell but to raise awareness on the importance of cancer research.

The campaign lasted one week. It was launched in Spain and some European countries where the 21Buttons social network operates.


We managed to bring together a team of fashion influencers and micro-influencers with 81.6 million total followers on social networks. In just one week, the campaign reached 13.2 million people. And helped CRIS Cancer Foundation to exceed their monthly donation goal by 42%.