Cannes Lions


VCCP SPAIN, Madrid / ROCK FM / 2023

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Demo Film
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• Situation: 43% of traffic accidents in Spain are caused by speeding.

• Brief: Rock Fm, a radio station with over 2,000,000 daily listeners, wanted to raise awareness among its audience to reduce speed while driving. In Spain, radio is often listened to in cars.

• Objectives: Reduce road fatalities while positioning Rock Fm as the leading radio station that cares for its listeners.


43% of drivers exceed the speed limits in Spain causing more than 410 deaths in traffic accidents every year.

Rock FM has more than one million daily listeners and we wanted to take advantage of the high penetration of the radio among drivers to raise awareness and reduce speeding on their journeys.

We created a special playlist to listen to in the car. This uses a geolocation API that, after accepting its use, identifies the location of our smartphone and calculates the speed of the vehicle.

Using a time synchronization method such as SNTP, we get the music playback speed to be linked to the speed of the car. In such a way that, when the set limits are exceeded, the bits of the song we are listening to are progressively accelerated.

More speed of the car, more speed of the song.


Data Collection: 43% of traffic accidents in Spain are caused by speeding. Radio penetration in cars in Spain is very high, with an average of 1 hour and 45 minutes of radio listening in cars per day. Rock FM has 2,000,000 daily listeners.

Data Interpretation: A smtp system synchronizes the speed of the car with the speed of the playlist. Through geolocation, it detects the allowed speed for that route, and if it is exceeded, the music playback speed in the car is modified.

Targeting: Our target audience is men and women aged 25 to 60 years old.


The campaign was communicated nationwide, reaching over 2 million listeners across the country.

• Placement: It was featured on various radio programs such as "Music for Animals".

• Scale:

• Brand relevanceImproved consumer experience through data: 334,000 listeners downloaded the playlist in the first month.

• Touch points: Mobile, web, radio

• Materials, style elements, design choices

• Methods and process: Using a time synchronization method like SNTP, we were able to link music playback with the car's speed.

• Timeline: The idea was initially sold, and it took a month to achieve implementation.


Improved consumer experience through data: 334,000 listeners downloaded the playlist in the first month.

Behavior change driven by data: According to radio surveys, the action had a positive impact on our listeners.

Business impact: Rock FM increased its audience during the campaign.

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