Cannes Lions


BASSAT OGILVY, Barcelona / TV3 TELETHON / 2012

Presentation Image






La Marató de TV3 (telethon) is a social project organised by the regional television of Catalonia (a region of Spain) to raise funds for research into diseases. In recent editions, there has been a direct link between the amount collected and the disease to which the telethon was dedicated (more involvement = more funds). In 2010, the subject was Acquired Spinal Cord and Brain Injuries (low involvement). That is why it was essential to sensitize the population and maintain its support to achieve: - Regain AUDIENCE (falling since 2008).

- Increase FUNDS (reach figures close to those of telethons dedicated to diseases with high involvement).

Analysis of the target to gain in-depth knowledge of their emotions and values, and to be able to outline a plan for SENSITIZE was the basis of the strategy: The 2010 campaign had to show a real story, presented with a positive spirit, fostering human goodness and solidarity. Creativity had to focus on finding "heroes" linked to the disease.

With this brief, the creative process got underway, taking inspiration from real cases from which one incredible story of love and the will to succeed was chosen: Team Hoyt.

Rick Hoyt has had cerebral palsy since birth. One day, his father, Dick, took him to a sports competition to participate together and so, after realising the effect that it had (Rick: "During the competition I felt as if my condition had disappeared") thus began the emotional story of Team Hoyt, a team which has participated in more than 1,000 sports events and which, despite never having won, has enjoyed amazing success and recognition.

The investment in communication was the lowest in recent years and the funds raised… the highest, exceeding all the objectives:Audience: 20.2% share was achieved (vs. objective of 16.5%), making it the most widely-viewed edition of recent years.Collection: A total of €8.7 million were raised (vs. objective of €7.5 million), the largest quantity ever raised during the 19 years of La Marató.

In addition, record figures were reaches in a number of areas: +623% advert views, twitter trending topic throughout Spain,+23% donations from individuals, all-time high in terms of public events, etc.

The success achieved is also reflected in a final statistic: in 2010, La Marató reached its maximum profitability, with an ROI of 54.5%. A benefit on investment of 5.450%.

Thanks Team Hoyt. You've certainly won this Marathon.

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