Cannes Lions


FAKTOR 3, Hamburg / WIESMANN / 2010


1 Silver Cannes Lions
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Wiesmann is a manufacturer of handcrafted sports cars. We had the job to help the emerging brand to reach a broad audience with a limited marketing budget.The best way to understand Wiesmann's philosophy is to visit the factory in Duelmen (Westfalia, Germany) and see the handmade production of beautiful sports cars in an impressive building. However not everybody has the chance to come to the factory. So, Wiesmann and our agency created the idea of using the IAA (Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, International Motor Show) to create some buzz: the Wiesmann GT MF4 produced by two Wiesmann workers in 10 fair days was the first car ever handcrafted in real time and live in front of the audience on location in the history of the biggest automotive fair in the world.The Wiesmann car production was the main attraction in Hall 5. In total 550,000 people visited the booth. They watched the production, took photos and took in a lot of Wiesmann's brand spirit. And the media took notice: Over 1,000 press reports in print and online with a reach of over 1.2 billion people. Even the competitors applauded!


The project took several weeks of preparation. The workers had to make a plan to manage building the car within the 10 days of the fair and get the right parts to the right place at the right time. Also the limited space had to be taken into consideration. The cooperation partners had both the possibility to present themselves and use the event for their own marketing. Michelin sent Bebendum, the big white mascot, to mount the tyres, Festtool took high quality photos of their tools in action, and 'auto motor und sport' had live content for their website.

A PR and marketing programme was set up around the action with several press releases, invitating journalists to the booth and Wiesmann got a lot of attention in interviews, filming and images.

In the end, all worked well and the car was finished on the last day.


The Wiesmann GT MF4 was one of the highlights of the fair: - Average number of spectators per day: 55,000, in 10 days: 550,000 visited the booth.- Number of Print Clippings: 241, circulation: 26.4 million - Number of online clippings: 764, clicks: 1.2 billion- Increase of internet visits on the homepage during fair: 187%Numbers that surpassed all expectations. And the reactions were positive too:- Compliments from all parts: car enthusiasts, politicians, journalists, even competitors- only positive media coverage And last but not least: The car was sold, at the fair.

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