Cannes Lions


ROSA, Paris / ACADOMIA / 2024

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Currently, 60% of parents prioritize their child's self-fulfillment over academic success*, yet they are more stressed than ever about academic outcomes. Poor academic performance remains a significant point of contention between children and parents.

The good news is that Acadomia, the leading brand in France for tutoring services, offers a solution. With its new promise of bringing an average +4pts rise in school grades, Acadomia not only improves academic performance but also fosters peace at home for both parents and students when everything seems desperate.

Our primary objective in this campaign was to attract new customers to the brand and, secondly, to enhance Acadomia's public perception.


Family squabbles have always been a universal truth. But what happens when grades are no longer a source of contention at home? We'll need to find other reasons to argue.

In a new series of three films, Acadomia adopts a tongue-in-cheek approach to these familiar disputes, demonstrating that, thanks to the average 4-point rise in marks that Acadomia students achieve, parents no longer have any reason to reprimand their children over their grades. Instead, they will have to find new (and somewhat ridiculous) grounds for admonishment: doing the dishes, keeping bedrooms tidy, and sitting quietly while reading.


We estimated an impact of more than +94 million contacts on target over 4 weeks’ time in TV, segmented TV, and VOL platforms. The campaign has been complemented by social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

In just three weeks, the campaign had generated tremendous business results for the brand:

+24% increase in brand requests on Google* +85% growth in customer leads* +22% rise in new customers*

Moreover, the campaign initiated a shift in perception regarding Acadomia as an essential player in France's education system. The brand witnessed a +138% surge in applications for teaching positions at Acadomia (an all-time high) and received numerous positive comments on social media platforms.

Additionally, 90% of Acadomia's clients reported a reduction in school-related tensions due to tutoring.

(*all figures compared to objectives set in September 2022)

(**Acadomia Consumer Lab. June 2023)

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