Cannes Lions

Stina Stipancic


Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Demo Film
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Stina is a wine brand from the Island of Brac, Croatia.

Stina Stipancic, an exclusive wine produced in small quantities, was a vehicle to attract attention to the Stina brand, gain media mentions and new distributors, and increase sales.

Our task was to design a label illustrating Stina Stipancic as the first wine from grapes grown in a vineyard at the Stipancic site, distinctive by the extreme slope, specific microclimate and white, stony soil.


The Island of Brac has always been known for its beautiful nature and snow-white stone – a source of inspiration for sculptors, poets and novelists.

This extremely steep location, this little piece of land surrounded by stone, produces Stina Stipancic, a wine meant to inspire anyone who tastes it.

And that is why every Stina Stipancic label is a blank canvas for everyone who feels inspired.

The completely white four layered label depicts the extreme slope of the location, so every creator should rise to the same challenge as workers in the vineyard.

A small space, limited resources, lots of inspiration.

Just like in the vineyard.


The Stina Stipancic and the promotional film has been sent to media outlets worldwide that cover the wine scene. Media coverage attracted attention of consumers who illustrated the labels, shared them on social media and thus initiated a social media campaign without any investment. It all draw attention of distributors, opened up new markets, and had a positive impact on business results of the Stina wine brand.


From April 2022 to February 2023, we sent Stina Stipancic to over 100 media outlets that cover the wine scene, resulting in more than 80 posts. This sparked a wider public interest, prompting customers to share their creations on social media. The label became a self-perpetuating campaign on social media that has been sustained to date, without any investment. This attracted attention of distributors, and led to Stina signing new contracts with distributors in Germany and Canada. All of these activities also had an impact on the overall sales increase in Stina's range of products by 15%.


Numerous media mentions captured the distributors' attention and initiated a self-perpetuated presence on social media with a significant effect on the bottom line.

80+ media mentions

2 new distributors (in Germany and Canada)

+ 79% increase in social media engagement

+15% sales increase