Cannes Lions

Stories Ordering



3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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We decided to use Instagram Polls for something tastier, becoming the first restaurant that let people place their order using Instagram Polls. That's how Stories Ordering was born. During one day, we launched 9 stories, one per each Whopper's ingredient. Inviting people to customize their Whopper, stories after stories, by picking their favorite ingredients. Each set of polls generated a unique coupon (that we send through a DM) for people to redeem their unique Whopper for free.

But then, we put all the data on the grill to create the most popular Whopper for Spaniards: the Insta Whopper, available all across Spain for a limited period of time.


On January 18th, Burger King invited its audience to build the perfect Whopper stories after stories. Each of the 15's video represented an ingredient to be chosen: meat, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles and so on. The choice was guided by humorous questions and answers making the experience even funnier.

But we didn't stop there. We used all the data generated by the activation to bring the people's favorite Whopper to life as a limited-time offer: the InstaWhopper, available in every Burger King across Spain for a limited period of time.


Despite being executed with a low-cost production and no media investment, Stories Ordering reached more than 270.000 interactions, 34.675 Whoppers created and 5.000 new followers in just one day. 45.113 unique users have engaged with the action for more than 3 minutes. The coupons we've planned for 24 hours were gone in under 3 hours.

The idea had also achieved important results outside the platform. Stories Ordering caught the attention of general press by its novelty reaching a potential audience of 2.300.000 readers only in Spain.

Thanks to Stories Ordering Burger King has also discovered a new source of information about its customers preferences. In the Spaniards opinion, for example, the perfect Whopper is composed by double patty with cheese (90%), bacon (84%), ketchup (81%), mayo (76%), lettuce (75%), onion (57%) and tomatoes (57%). Pickles was the less popular ingredient being chosen by 41% of respondents.

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