Cannes Lions


OGILVY, Sao Paulo / BMW / 2024

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In Brazil, the introduction of the BMW i7 into the ultra-luxury market presented a unique challenge, targeting billionaires typically indifferent to traditional advertisements. This situation necessitated a reimagined strategy to captivate such an exclusive audience. With the post-pandemic world shifting predominantly to streaming platforms for content consumption, BMW Films, which previously found fame on

competing within existing media spaces, BMW opted to create a new niche by integrating high-quality advertising directly with streaming content. This approach aimed to attract those usually resistant to advertisements. The objectives were clear and ambitious: engage the ultra-wealthy, bridge the gap between creating desire and facilitating purchase, and establish new benchmarks in luxury e-commerce and interactive marketing. By leveraging the shift towards streaming, BMW not only captured the imagination of its target audience but also offered direct purchasing options.


Data indicates that the ultra-wealthy globally have a strong preference for streaming platforms and action movies featuring Hollywood stars. This insight prompted BMW to take a novel approach with its latest BMW Film, "The Calm." Acknowledging the viewing preferences and interests of the affluent demographic, BMW shifted away from traditional advertising methods, which can often feel invasive. Instead, the brand opted for leveraging the compelling nature of storytelling through streaming platforms. By presenting "The Calm" directly in the preferred entertainment medium of high-net-worth individuals, BMW pursued a less intrusive, more experience-focused marketing strategy. This move not only integrated the BMW i7 into an engaging narrative with renowned Hollywood talent but also underscored BMW's dedication to delivering an unmatched, value-rich experience—aligning perfectly with what is considered priceless by its target audience


The media planning strategy for BMW's "Streaming Dealership" targeted an exclusive demographic: the ultra-wealthy. This audience, comprising affluent individuals and organizations, demands high-quality, premium content, aligning with the sophistication and exclusivity of luxury brands. In a precise move, the campaign was showcased on Samsung's top-tier TVs, directly reaching a consumer base that appreciates luxury and technological innovation, mirroring the BMW i7's brand essence. This ensured the message was not only targeted but also resonated with an audience that values exclusivity.

Additionally, the campaign utilized Star Plus by Disney Plus, strategically placing teasers during the premieres of Marvel movies and premium ESPN content. This placement amidst highly anticipated entertainment offerings ensured the BMW message captivated those interested in premium experiences. By embedding "Streaming Dealership" within such exclusive content, BMW crafted a marketing narrative that spoke directly to its target demographic's lifestyle, turning each engagement into a memorable experience.


The "Streaming Dealership" campaign by BMW was precisely executed to engage the ultra-wealthy, leveraging strategic media channels for maximal impact. This initiative was seamlessly integrated across Samsung’s high-end TVs and Star Plus by Disney Plus, aligning with the target audience’s premium content preferences. The campaign capitalized on these platforms' technological prowess and exclusive entertainment offerings, including Marvel movie premieres and ESPN content, ensuring a perfect fit for the audience's luxury-oriented lifestyle. Executed within November, this strategic timing aimed to capture heightened viewer engagement, coinciding with major entertainment releases. This period of concentrated activity ensured that BMW's message was prominently featured when the audience was most receptive. Achieving a remarkable scale, the campaign garnered 3 million views and 13 million impressions, reflecting its successful reach and resonance with

a discerning audience typically resistant to conventional advertising. This strategic implementation and media integration underscored BMW's innovative approach with its exclusive demographic


BMW's "Streaming Dealership" campaign transcended traditional advertising by presenting an 8-minute Hollywood-quality film instead of the typical 30-second spot. This innovative strategy significantly increased engagement, offering audiences an immersive brand experience. The campaign led to a remarkable 81.8% sales increase, even though the featured car costs 1.3 million Brazilian reais—a substantial figure in the country's economic context. This surge was supported by 3 million views and 13 million impressions, alongside positive PR from Forbes to car-specific magazines, enhancing brand admiration. Owned media channels were instrumental in disseminating the film, directly engaging audiences and showcasing BMW's commitment to luxury and innovation. The campaign's unique approach also generated significant earned media, with extensive coverage amplifying its reach and impact. Ultimately, this effort transformed BMW's brand perception, positioning it as a luxury innovator that delivers unparalleled experiences, evidenced by selling more cars during the campaign month, a testament to its success

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