Cannes Lions

Student Body Armor

FCB, New York / CLOCKS NOT GLOCKS / 2017

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If people can now bring guns on campus grounds, then they’re going to need protection. But no one wants to wear a bulletproof vest to class. What students do love, however, is showing off their school pride. So we merged the two and created the first-ever line of bulletproof college apparel.

Introducing: Student Body Armor. A new, satirical brand of bulletproof college apparel designed to draw attention to which states and schools allow guns on their campuses, so that new potential students and their parents can make an informed decision about whether or not that school is the right choice for their future.


Our brand name plays off of the phrase “student body,” referring to an educational institution’s group of students, and “body armor,” referring to bulletproof apparel.

Student Body Armor was made from a unique blend of bulletproof plating and school-branded apparel. Type II armored vests were stitched into college-themed sweatshirts, T-shirts and hoodies. The bulky outline of the armor worked to physically display the ridiculous implications of campus carry laws.

To launch our product line, we created a pop-up store just steps from the University of Texas’s own official apparel store, complete with actual products for customers to try on and react to. From there our online store, social media presence and online commercial went live, adopting an over-the-top comedic tone to heighten the absurdity of the campaign.


Student Body Armor continues to be picked up by media outlets across the globe, earning 157 million impressions so far, with over $15 million in earned media. It was featured on both national and local news, with articles appearing in The Guardian, Business Insider, Upworthy, .Mic and countless others. Even celebrities like the cast of The Daily Show, George Takei and Samuel L. Jackson joined in on the ridiculousness of Student Body Armor, amplifying the demand to end campus carry.

Our online video was viewed over one million times in the first week alone. Our website received thousands of unique visitors in a matter of hours, with average time users spent on the site being a whopping 4+ minutes.

Even better, that time converted to click-throughs from our online store to, where users could enter their zip code to contact their representatives and demand change on campus carry laws.

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