Cannes Lions


OGILVY GERMANY, Dusseldorf / PHILIPS / 2013

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






The increase in communication channels requires more relevant and exciting content for brands to engage effectively with their consumers. The legal requirements for branded entertainment are regulated through the Treaty on Broadcasting. Content generated by brands therefore needs to be identified as such. This isn’t a problem for online as in this environment, content is placed on Facebook pages, YouTube and branded websites where the originator is visible to users.


The call from a shaver manufacturer to let one’s beard grow is quite unusual. But connecting our authentic testimonial with the tremendous euphoria experienced during the European Championship proved to be the magic formula. While the other brands try to sell their products and bombard the consumer with product propositions, we created a campaign that is about an attitude and provides people with a fun way to support their team in one of the biggest sporting events. Given our aim of migrating the brand positioning towards a more upscale lifestyle brand, this was the perfect timing and the perfect message.


In the beginning of 2012 Philips was #2 in the German male grooming market with a market share of 37% (Braun 40.2 %).

The campaign created a real movement among consumers: 34.000 Facebook fans; 1.3 million views on YouTube, and 1.3 million page views on the website are proof of the phenomenon that was created. Overall, 345 million contacts were created throughout the campaign. The press echoed our campaign with 70 online articles—9 in print with a circulation of more than 1 million; 2 TV features, and 7 radio stories. The sales results were also outstanding: Philips’ market share grew to 43.3% and out-performed Braun (37%), thus gaining Philips market leadership. Overall, the turnaround increased by 3.9 million Euro.

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