Cannes Lions

Super Rally


Presentation Image
Case Film






For over 25 years, American Express has created innovative, new ways for fans to enjoy the US Open. At the 2018 US Open, we were tasked with creating a holistic, interactive experience that positioned American Express as an experience and service innovator. We transformed the activation space into a fully interactive tennis wonderland, with a cohesive design aesthetic that featured Super Rally as the hero activation.


For over 25 years, American Express has created innovative, new ways for fans to enjoy the US Open. This year we wondered, “what happens when a digital experience has real-world reactions?”

Our answer: Super Rally, an interactive game that allowed players to go beyond augmented reality and play tennis in a way that connects the digital and physical worlds.

Using a custom-designed racket, with a built-in Vive sensor, players were challenged to hit a virtual ball at real-world targets. Digital projections layered in-game animations atop the targets. When hit, each would light up, creating an attention-grabbing light show throughout the space.

To help players understand this first-of-its-kind experience we provided them with the best coach – tennis legend Venus Williams, who guided them through the game’s tutorial. Thanks to the racket’s precision tracking, Venus could also help players adjust the timing of their swing throughout the game.


American Express has been a sponsor of the US Open for over 25 years and continually pushes tech boundaries to create innovative ways for fans to experience tennis. From walking in the shoes of a pro, to playing against a legend, to playing the game in a completely untethered manner, American Express seeks to back fans by bringing them closer to the sport in fresh, unexpected ways. To take a step further this year, we moved beyond the confines of a screen, creating Super Rally, where the in-bay, digital experience affected the out-of-bay, physical world.


American Express Super Rally pushed gameplay beyond the boundaries of screens, allowing players to simultaneously play tennis in both the digital and physical worlds. Located inside the US Open American Express Fan Experience, a 20,000-square-foot space on the grounds, players stepped inside one of eight gaming bays.

Players faced a scrim, which broadcast digital projections layered atop physical elements inside the space. Using custom-designed, 3D-printed racquets, they were challenged to hit a virtual ball at real-life targets. When hit, the orbs in the space would light up, creating an entertaining light show for players and spectators alike. Within the bay, scores and animation sequences heightened the fun to reinforce the virtual and real-world connection. Players were guided through a tutorial by virtual coach Venus Williams. Real-time calculations from the Vive’s precision tracking unlocked audio tips from Venus, giving each player their own unique experience.


From August 27th through September 9th, Super Rally resulted in:

• Over 21,000 games played

• 71% target reach

• 26% lift in brand consideration

• Experiences awareness rose by 20%

• Over a half a billion total media impressions

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