
Sustainable design website

NIJI, Rennes / DALKIA / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Situation: As ClimateCare states, If the Internet were a country, it would rank between the 3rd and 6th position of the biggest polluters behind the USA and China. Furthermore, Dalkia's website had a high carbon footprint, ranking E on the EcoIndex, a leading carbon impact scoring digital platform.

Brief: Align Brand and company purpose by providing a tangible digital proof


1. Reduce the carbon footprint of the website compared to the previous one

2. Make the sustainable website recognizable and proprietary by respecting brand guidelines (Dalkia & EDF Group)


Exclusively using the green color for 3 reasons:

1. Present in Dalkia’s brand guidelines

2. Newly color-coded division of companies within Group EDF (Blue, Green, and Orange)

3. The heuristic of green refers directly to eco-friendliness in the overall population mindset

Monochromatic dithered images for a proprietary visual aesthetic.

Visual rhythm through graphical design of font, visuals and iconography


We developed the most efficient site possible to reduce the size in bytes and limit the energy used by servers to store the data and by users to view it

1. Reduced size (in bytes) and data transfers: Dalkia has reduced the number of images, videos and PDFs embedded in each page to limit their size. Dalkia has also used custom compression on each image as well as a single colour processing with a low pixel count.

2. Optimised loading time: Reduced page sizes and efficient code have enabled Dalkia to reduce the amount of server requests, which speeds up loading times.

3. The number of pages has been divided by 4 (employment offers excluded), with a simplified browsing experience for users.

4. Dalkia has eliminated autoplay videos and reduced the number of videos by 81%.

5. The site is static—content is only uploaded once a day


64% reduction of the carbon impact compared to the previous website

Content divided by 4 (from 2400 pages to 600 pages)

A global score of A compared to E on the EcoIndex carbon footprint ranking platform

Reduction of servers from 7 to 2

Half the servers shut down at night

Static website: content uploaded once a day

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2022, DALKIA

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