Cannes Lions

SYOSS Color Blond x Lena Gercke

TRO, Dusseldorf / SYOSS / 2022







Our mission: Taking sound design to the next level! Therefore, we got together with Marjorieth Sanmartin and her TBWA Team. The film should be awarded only for the imagery, as it is special and atmospheric, while featuring the world's most modern visual effects. All of that led us to the bass-heavy style, full of personality and a lot of sudden stops and breaks. With amazing production value in visual terms, we worked on a musical design approach that should meet the same standards. Recording real elements like bells and drums as a basis, we processed them into dystopian future sounds with an aesthetic never appearing in mainstream commercial campaigns. Signature-sounds like the sizzling key in the beginning should strengthen recognizability and evoke an asmr-like feeling - a feeling of acoustic satisfaction that should be associated with the product.

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