Cannes Lions

Take a 360° loook before shopping

UMBRELLA, Budapest / RED CROSS / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






With our limited budget, we found Facebook's new tool the 3D post – which is made for e-commerce purposes, to show products in 360 Degrees – the best medium to raise awareness for this problem. We looked up the most searched shoppable items and turned them into made-up Red Cross products in 3D. Sadly these items (shoes, handbags and mobile phones) are very often made by children. Then we shared them on popular e-commerce facebook pages.

When people started to interact with them and change the products angle's, the items showed a different meaning and message: Take a 360 degree look before shopping.


Facebook's new 3D post's engine is at an early stage so it cannot handle textures and main lightning designs but we did our best to turn these shoppable items into a sculpture like products. They all had a double meaning that revealed when somebody checked them out.


The work was published on the 20th of April so our results not in the case study yet. Although we reached more than 200.000 Facebook users through these e-commerce facebook pages and through Hungarian Red Cross's page plus we were happy to see how we could sparkle a conversation about this worldwide problem in the social sphere.

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