Cannes Lions

Take my lawyers

BBDO COLOMBIA, Bogota / WOM / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






Major telephone companies in Colombia altered thousands of user contracts to retain them against their will by changing a letter in their name. So when people wanted to switch mobile operators and choose another company, they were asked for their identification documents, and when they compared the data, the information did not match due to the fraudulent modifications made in the contracts. The initial request was to 'expose the fraud problem so that Colombians can find out what is happening without their consent and be able to file a claim in time.' But instead of just informing them, we decided to take action and offer legal support so they could end their relationship with these phone companies that were abusing their power.


Our legal department has a specific phone number for when the company needs its services, so what we did was share this number everywhere to turn our pool of lawyers into defenders of all Colombians, helping them fight against the large telecommunications corporations that were abusing them by committing fraud in contracts.

We provided personalized legal advice via phone and chat, initiated legal processes and lawsuits, and fought alongside them in court to ensure their freedom to choose the best operator.


In a country where corruption and abuse are normalized, a brand with the conviction to turn its communication into a new service of legal advice and support earns a place in the hearts of its citizens.

Using defense as a method of attack was the best strategy, as by defending Colombians, they themselves made our brand appear as the hero of mobile telephony in the country.

Something as simple as a phone number shared across OOH, press, TV, and digital platforms allowed us to be on the lips of the most important media outlets in the country, and, of course, put pressure on both the companies that perpetrated these frauds and the government to take action.


1. We started by putting our lawyers' phone number on billboards, digital pieces, TV bumpers, and press.

2. We received over 1,000 calls in the first 24 hours after publishing this phone number.

3. Some media outlets learned about this and began participating in the conversation on social media.

4. Users created a digital protest, calling out these companies for their frauds and abuses.

5. Mass media picked up the news and invited the CEO of WOM Colombia for various interviews to discuss the issue.

6. We began filing lawsuits against these major companies that were abusing their users, and the conversation became much more heated.

7. We won hundreds of cases virtually and in-person before various judges in the Colombian Republic, leading the news to reach the government, which decided to create Resolution 7151 to prevent this situation from happening again in the country.


The brand achieved a 30.4% increase in porting conversions, making it #1 in the country in acquiring new customers from other phone companies. We also achieved an 11.7% reduction in churn (customer attrition rate), resulting in a net business growth of 20.1% and an increase in leads of more than 60%.

We reached over 1 million in free press, and most importantly, we succeeded in getting the government to create the user protection law 7151, which protects Colombians from the abuses they were receiving from major phone companies in the country.