Cannes Lions

Taste the Future

INGO, Stockholm / IKEA / 2023







How do you get tech talent and world-class developers to look at IKEA — known for affordable home design, conveniently packed with (sometimes excruciating) at-home assembly — as an innovative workplace when you compete with transforming startups and tech giants such as Amazon, Google, Apple, and Tesla?

You get back to basics and deliver the core of the company in an innovative fashion.

In IKEA’s case, the core is meatballs. Not only is it the best-known invention from Sweden, but it’s also a global symbol for the entire meat industry, and the massive emission goals we all face to obtain a more sustainable future. Something that’s at the top of IKEA’s agenda. As an example, all IKEA restaurants worldwide will offer 50% plant-based alternatives by 2025.

Our solution was to re-invent the iconic meatball, by 3D printing its plant-based alternative. And invited every applicant who got called to an interview, a chance to taste the innovative meatball for themselves.

In order to reach this very courted audience, we distributed a film and a press release to selected journalists, bloggers, and influencers worldwide. The film was also shared internally at IKEA to help boost the viral effect. Finally, the initiative was published and (with an extremely minimal budget) sponsored on LinkedIn, the obvious media channel for recruiting talent.

Already on the day of launch, the campaign received massive attention from all around the world. In the weeks following the release, the campaign generated 140 editorial articles (both tech, business, and food-specific publications) in 27 countries with even more posts, likes, and engagement happening on social platforms.

A total of 5,42 Billion impressions worldwide have been registered to a calculated media value of $18,3 Million. More than 7 Million unique views have been registered. (Source: Verizon/Yahoo)

But most important, IKEA received 5 277 applications the month following the campaign. A 61% increase compared to the same month the previous year (3 274). During the month before launch, IKEA’s career site had a shy number of 446 visits. One month after – more than 23 000!

Taste the Future showed the world that innovation is at the very core of IKEA and that a sustainable future is dependent on it. That you, as an employee, could make a massive difference was the single most important achievement – building internal pride while attracting more talent to push for the cause. The very fact that our small 3D-printed plant-based meatball generated so many impressions and buzz around the globe was simply icing on the cake. Or should we say, lingonberries on the side of the meatballs?

Anyway, that's what we call creative effectiveness.

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