Cannes Lions


DIALOG RED, Paris / NESTLE / 2011

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In order to drive traffic to our e-shop we designed an efficient purchasing path.

- Raising interest was the main goal, therefore we instilled a fantastic tea dream in the consumers’ mind in which they are the goddess of incredible tea worlds (TVC). The TVC quotes a promo offer, but most of all drives viewers to

- The website guides the consumer to a demo film of SPECIAL.T’s superiority concluding with the promotional offer (the machine + 40 capsules + 2 teacups at 89E) which leads the viewer to the SPECIAL.T e-shop.

- The plan included: bloggers and PRs activation (word of mouth) and a SPECIAL.T event with a boutique atmosphere at Salon du Chocolat.


- Sold out after 5 days.- Sales: objective overpassed by 30%.

- PR: more than 500 articles published online and offline.- WOM: Consumer organised contest to spread MGM vouchers + 2,000 posts on a topic dedicated to SPECIAL.T in an online forum.- Verbatims from France post-test: “If there hadn’t been an offer, I would have had to wait until Christmas!” “With the offer, there was no risk trying”.

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