Cannes Lions


N=5, Amsterdam / KPN / 2015

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Case Film
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Any new iPhone release turns into a larger-than-life event, both among the ‘true believers’ and in the inevitable media blitz that follows. When a new product is launched on this scale, all eyes are on the device and the provider is reduced to a mere data cruncher. So we knew that – now more than ever – we really needed to stand out from our competitors.

During 2014’s iPhone 6 launch, the new features of the device were eclipsed by its size. Alarmingly, the new iPhone no longer fit into your trouser pocket, and even if it did, chances were it would end up ‘bendy’. This sent iPhone fans everywhere into a tizzy, and a new ‘scandal’ was born: #Bendgate.

We swooped in with a solution for disgruntled iPhone lovers. All fans queuing for their first iPhone 6 model received a free upgrade from KPN, so the size of the new device was no longer an issue. KPN’s mobile tailor made the punters hand over their trousers – and took their worries off their shoulders – by making the iPhone 6 ‘Plus Proof’.

By jumping on the #Bendgate bandwagon and turning up at the Apple Store during the launch, the ‘Pocket Plus’ trouser pocket made the national and international news almost immediately. Influentials eagerly shared it on social media and shared it on tech blogs. The video reached millions of people in just one week, and KPN – relevant as ever – was at the top of everyone’s mind during the iPhone 6 release.


A larger interface makes it easy to operate the phone with your nose, take photos and share them. The app also allows you to add a pre-programmed post of your photo. After approving your final photo, it is shared automatically on Facebook or Twitter. In an amusing way the app enriches the definition of swiping. Your nose actually proves to be an excellent instrument to control your phone so you don’t need to take those nice comfy winter gloves off.


The introduction of the app was very successful. NosePost has been downloaded over 13,000 times (+20% KPI) and became the fourth most downloaded photo and video app in the iTunes App Store. So far over 20,000 photos have been taken with the app. The positive sentiment and the many reactions on social media clearly showed the target audience likes NosePost. The app was picked up by 92 different media titles from around the world, earning a potential media reach of 5,415,597 views. And last but certainly not least, the campaign generated a staggering uplift in sales of +57% (KPI was 3% uplift).

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