Cannes Lions


OGILVY BRASIL, Sao Paulo / CLARO / 2011

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Right before the World Cup, Ronaldo took over CLARO’s twitter account, which had roughly 30,000 followers. He’d use that as a personal account, tweeting about the World Cup, the games, and pretty much everything else. And every now and then he tweets the messages coming from CLARO, with promotions, sales and links. Generating a huge return in click rates.


When Ronaldo started to tweet, @ClaroRonaldo began to gain 5000 followers per hour. Reaching 10 months later, 1.6 million followers. Since he manages the account personally, other celebrities use it to communicate with him, promoting the brand to millions of other followers. Besides that, some tweets become news generating a ton of free exposure to CLARO. With that many followers CLARO has now the biggest corporate account in the southern hemisphere, with 11x the size of its’ biggest competitor’s. But more than anything, we created an interactive media channel, which better then talk to consumers, is followed by them.

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