Cannes Lions








Challenge: Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males aged 18 to 35. How do we get such a challenging demographic to talk openly about testicular cancer and pay more attention to their own health and well-being?

Solution: Pocket Pool Day is a day when young men are encouraged to play 'pocket pool', in other words, feel their testicles for possible abnormalities and pay attention to their health and well-being in general.Objective: To persuade men aged 18-35 to pay more attention to their health and make it easier for young men to talk about testicular cancer.

Strategy: Try to grab the attention of a difficult target audience using humour, and tailoring the message to media that young males use on a daily basis (e.g. mobile, web, television).Outcome: Total media impressions totalled 10m (in a country of 5.5m people). The awareness films gathered over 100,000 views on the web alone during the campaign. Earned media totalled over €300,000; thousands of participants in various social media. The iPhone app was the most downloaded app in the Finnish free educational category for the duration of the campaign.

As the budget for the campaign was minimal (€20,000), a PR approach was pivotal to the success of the campaign. PR elements included: - various tailored press releases- hours of telephone time, contacting various news media.

- all media exposure was either earned media, or donated media space by some of the biggest national and international media houses.


The Pocket Pool Day campaign launched on the 12th of August, 2011 and culminated on National Pocket Pool Day, on the 9th of September, 2011.

The campaign start date was picked because it was the date that the first Pocket Pool Day issue of Auto Bild Finland hit the stands. The campaign website and Facebook presence (page and event) were launched on the same day. The campaign press release was sent on out on the general press wire on the same day.

The plan was adapted halfway throughout the 4-week campaign. Several custom press releases were sent to MTV Finland, Nelonen Media (a large media company in Finland), and the Finnish national broadcasting company, YLE. All of these companies devoted considerable air time to the campaign for the remaining 2 weeks, resulting in unprecedented exposure.


Acknowledging the difficult target audience, targets were set at 20,000-30,000 views of the various films on the web, and 2,000-3,000 Facebook participants. Overall target exposure was around 50,000-70,000 impressions. The initial idea was for the campaign to be launched over the web only.The campaign budget was €20,000, enough to cover the production costs (excluding the director's fee which he waived due to his faith in the idea). MTV Finland and even the Finnish national broadcasting company YLE decided to air the awareness film 2 weeks into it (an extremely rare occurrence for a campaign of any sort).

The campaign earned over €300,000 in media exposure.

Total web views during the campaign reached over 100,000.

Total media impressions for the campaign, including TV, was 10m.

Total Facebook participants reached over 7,000.

The iPhone app was the most downloaded in the Finnish free educational category during the campaign.

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