Cannes Lions

The AD-CESS Ramp

GREY, Guayaquil / DIRECTV / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film







Big sidewalks, entrances with a step above ground level (to prevent flooding), unleveled surfaces, and many other flaws can make accessibility a big challenge for thousands of people with special physical capabilities.


Create a P.O.P format for stores and pharmacies in deprived zones of Quito and Guayaquil.


It is a constant in the brand´s development plan to keep communicating and always close to our target. With this we thought we could come closer to different communities and create a good will towards our brand.



DIRECTV, a brand that always find new ways to connect with their consumers, decided to do something about this issue. Transforming a really popular P.O.P. format, an easel, into a solution for people with special needs in popular neighborhoods. The AD-CESS RAMP is an EASEL that can be turned into an ACCESS RAMP. A solution with which the brand has communicated prices and promotions in populated zones, and at the same time, it has provided a way into many commercial spots to thousands of persons in the biggest cities of Ecuador.


Target Audience

Mostly peripheral zones of Quito and Guayaquil, the 2 most populated cities of Ecuador, where approximately 200.000 people with special physical needs live.

Most of the locations picked were deprived zones where urban planning has been compromised by the constant demographic explosion, that has resulted in a big number of improvised constructions.


We placed 200 easels that were distributed in points where our DIRECTV Prepaid service was promoted. Mostly peripheral zones of Quito and Guayaquil, the 2 most populated cities of Ecuador, where approximately 200.000 people with special physical needs live. Most of the locations picked were deprived zones where urban planning has been compromised by the constant demographic explosion, that has resulted in a big number of improvised constructions.

The placement started in september 2019 and remained


The incidence of this type of actions create good will to the brand.

Our brand connects people with better moments. Creating a format with a dual purpose of informing our offers and granting a better mobility to thousands of persons that need it, was a better to connect with our target in those deprived communities.

Accessibility is a serious issue in our society. The architecture and spaces of cities in Latin-America disregard, quite often people with special needs. Popular zones have developed informal urbanistic interventions as a result of the demographic explosion.

Product was not for sale. Was strategically placed as a service to deprived communities.

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