Cannes Lions

The advent calendar

FF PARIS, Paris / LA REDOUTE / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film
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We wanted to do big to get La Redoute back its letters of nobility. Not doing a simple promotion like other competitors. We wanted to create the event that engages our consumers. The idea was to create a reflex action : This year for Christmas gifts, I will shop on la

What if generosity was the key to grow and to emerge is this overcrowded Christmas time ?

La Redoute presents the first interactive TV advent calendar.

From December 1st to December 24th, La Redoute broadcasted each day a different film, with a new product everyday and enables the viewers to tweet to try to win it.


• Implementation

• Timeline

• Placement

• Scale

Implementing the campaign was a big challenge, as it is not usual to broadcast a different spot each day, TV, VOL and social medias.

To fuel a real popular movement, we developed multi-canal mechanical. For the first time, La Redoute used the complementarity between TV : mass media and Twitter.

From December 1st to December 24th, we broadcasted a different film each day on TV, online video and twitter. The TV spot encourages users to participate tweeting #LaRedouteNoel to win a product. The online contest is also declined on Pinterest, as the platform is a useful Christmas gift ideas platform: they can “Pin” the daily board, to participate to the game. The idea was to offer a holiday gift guide which was not only beneficial to users but also generated brand awareness and boosted online sales.

Each day, the brand selected 6 winners: 1 on Pinterest and 5 on Twitter.


• Reach

• Engagement

• Sales

• Achievement against business targets

Offering our products was the best way for us to get people start the conversation about the brand on social networks. The users themselves were doing our communication.

The campaign exceeded our objectives:

- The holiday sales (turnover) increased by 24% compared to last year.

- Up to 330% more transactions on certain products (compared to sales before the campaign)

- More than 27 000 tweets were sent in 24 days, taking over the Christmas conversation on social networks.

- More than 860 000 Twitter impressions

- A very positive sentiment about the campaign with 98% positive mentions

- 144 gifts and winners

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