Cannes Lions

The Antiracist Bag



1 Silver Cannes Lions
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In Brazil, systemic racism in retail persists, with Black individuals often experiencing discrimination and profiling while shopping.


The brief was to develop a creative solution to combat racial discrimination in retail. The objective was to empower Black individuals and raise awareness about systemic racism in Brazil.


- Develop an innovative PR campaign leveraging social engagement and influencer marketing to address racial discrimination in retail;

- Empower Black individuals to challenge discrimination and assert their rights while shopping;

- Amplify awareness and engagement around systemic racism, fostering meaningful dialogue and societal change within the Brazilian context.


By transforming an ordinary accessory into a tool for social change by embedding legal protections against racial discrimination in its design, The Antiracist Bag empowers individuals to challenge and report discriminatory practices in retail. The innovative approach addresses societal issues and is adaptable to different contexts, with potential for industry-wide impact. By integrating activism into fashion, it sets a new standard for brands to promote inclusivity and drive meaningful change in the retail sector.


Our PR strategy addresses systemic retail racism in Brazil by empowering Black individuals and raising awareness. The key message focuses on empowering Black shoppers to challenge discrimination and assert their legal rights. Our audience includes Black Brazilians facing retail discrimination, allies, and social justice organizations. To execute, we'll create assets like the Antiracist Bag, embedding legal information. Additionally, we'll collaborate with influencers, form partnerships, secure media coverage, and use digital platforms for broad dissemination. Our goal is to catalyze meaningful change and foster inclusivity in Brazilian retail.


The campaign comprises design, production, distribution, and advocacy stages, beginning with a collaboration between Racismo Zero and designer Naya Violeta to create the Antiracist Bag, integrating legal protections against racial discrimination in its design. The bags were manufactured and labels with laws and QR codes for reporting racism were printed. The launch coincided with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, leveraging strategic marketing, media outreach, and influencer partnerships across social and traditional media channels. With a national scope, the campaign has potential for international expansion to address global racial injustice issues.


Reach: With a 15 million reach, the campaign effectively reached a wide audience, amplifying its message about racial discrimination in retail spaces;

Engagement: The campaign generated high levels of engagement, sparking conversations across various social media platforms, demonstrating its ability to resonate with audiences and provoke meaningful dialogue;

Impact: With an impressive 43 million impressions, a 16:1 ROI and US$ 2 million in earned media, the campaign influenced public discourse on racism and social justice, leaving a lasting impression on communities and stakeholders;

Brand Perception: The campaign positively impacted brand perception, positioning the brand as a leader in addressing societal issues and fostering inclusivity, thus enhancing its reputation and credibility;

Achievement Against Business Targets: The campaign exceeded business targets, driving the want of people regarding the Antiracist Bag and demonstrating the effectiveness of purpose-driven marketing. Also, part of the profit will be destined to sponsor Racismo Zero program.

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