Cannes Lions


DM9DDB, Sao Paulo / DORINA NOWILL / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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In Brazil, less than 5% of the country's books offer versions in braille. Something very concerning in a place with a blind population of over half a million.

So, to make people see this invisible problem, we created the Blind Book. A book with unprecedented texts, created exclusively in braille by some of Brazil's most important authors.

Beyond reach to support blind institutions, the work was sent to journalists and opinion makers who have never had contact with braille. Thus, these people had the same feeling that blind people have every day: the lack of access to culture.


First, we approached the writers with the project’s idea. After two months, the book was ready to be published. When the book was ready, we sent it to journalists and opinion makers who have never had contact with braille.

We placed the book in bookstores, like a brand new title from all those famous authors. But no one could read it.

The book was also sent to Brazil’s biggest TV news programs with an experiment proposal: who can read all these famous authors? Only the few that support the blind cause. For the first time.


In just a few days, the project became TV, newspaper and internet news. Previously nonexistent, the issue of universal access to culture became a hot topic in some of Brazilian television's biggest programs. People and companies began investing to ensure even more copies of The Blind Book could be produced and distributed. A second edition is already confirmed, with 10 new popular writers. With 33 million people reached, hundreds of thousands of braille tweets for the cause and more than 10 million people reached only in the internet.

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