Cannes Lions

The Breast Bottle

OGILVY, Taipei / WYETH / 2024

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In recent years, the infant formula market in Taiwan has become fiercely competitive, as various companies have launched products with nutritional content closely resembling breastmilk. This has diluted the distinctiveness of illuma infant formula, leading to stagnating customer growth. Therefore, we began to ponder: Besides the infant formula product itself, what else could we do to help mothers feed their babies with assurance? We discovered that when choosing between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, mothers often encounter a variety of problems. So we came up with a solution, allowing mothers to believe that illuma is their greatest pillar of support on their feeding journey, and to love illuma even more.


Experts confirm that close contact during breastfeeding secretes Oxytocin, commonly known as "the love hormone," which helps a baby grow attached to their mother. It is an important moment of emotional resonance. And during the first year of life, this affectionate bonding helps lessen social and behavioral problems in both children and adults. But mothers often encounter problems, leaving them no choice but to stop breastfeeding and use a bottle. As the top choice for transitioning from breastfeeding, could illuma help mothers and babies regain that irreplaceable form of affectionate bonding? The world’s first custom-made Breast Bottle was born—each baby not only receives the nutrients but also experiences the sensations of breastfeeding.


illuma’s target audience is 25-44-year-old mothers. They long to strike a balance between their breastfeeding life and their personal life. But many of them face a variety of challenges in the real world, forcing them to choose bottle-feeding, and they often feel deprived of affectionate bonding with their babies. In fact, surveys reveal that over 40% of babies reject their bottle because they are used to breastfeeding. To help mothers feed their babies with peace of mind, we let them set up an appointment after their baby is born, to create their own custom-made Breast Bottle. If they face any difficulties breastfeeding, they can choose to bottle-feed free of worries and continue to experience affectionate bonding with their baby.


We started with mothers who were followers of illuma’s Line official account, welcoming them to sign up for an appointment after they have given birth. We individually 3D-scan each mother's breast. And in collaboration with TEMP Lab, we 3D-print an inverse mold and inject it with non-toxic KE-1950 series silicone. The result is The Breast Bottle, with the same shape, skin tone, and texture as the mother's breast. Each bottle has one-of-a-kind motherly love. And its safety is assured by SGS certification. Within two weeks, those mothers who made the scanning appointment receive a gift box, containing The Breast Bottle and also a pacifier with the same shape, to maintain the affectionate bonding between mother and baby. After weaning begins, The Breast Bottle even turns into a sleep light, stirring precious memories.

This innovative product has now been officially released—unveiled in April on Facebook, Instagram, Line and a press release.


After its release, the campaign generated 2.2 million media impressions and a reach of 800,000. Furthermore, 91.7% of new parents expressed positive approval, and illuma achieved a brand favorability of 78.6%. Taiwan is the first market globally to roll out The Breast Bottle, and numerous major media outlets reported on it: “Why has nobody done this before?” “So simple. So powerful.” “A replica of mother’s love, like no other.” Many fathers even expressed gratitude for the opportunity to help with feeding.

Most importantly, The Breast Bottle fulfills the emotional needs of mothers and babies, and it has led mothers to believe that illuma is their greatest champion, giving them unending support on their journey feeding their babies.

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