Cannes Lions


THJNK, Hamburg / MCDONALD'S / 2015


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Corporate Responsibility is an extremely important issue for our client, McDonald’s. But how does one communicate this to the people who are aware of this, but are not necessarily engaged or interested in this? Take our most important partners in Germany, for instance. Our goal was to revamp the often dry contents of the CR Report, and deliver their message in a more entertaining manner.


We presented the CR Report in easy-to-understand bar charts, which were also minimalistic representation of the restaurant’s most successful burgers. These diagrams were printed on the packaging of the 6 most important burgers and were distributed amongst the partners. A QR-code on the box directly linked them to the full report online.


We presented the CR Report in easy-to-understand bar charts, which were also minimalistic representation of the restaurant’s most successful burgers. These diagrams were printed on the packaging of the 6 most important burgers, and were distributed amongst the partners. A QR-code on the box directly linked them to the full report.

And our partners loved it. Many of them used the QR-Code to learn more about the CR activities of McDonald’s – the topic was discussed more than ever before.

Because even though it obviously did not sell a single more burger, the Burger Report offered them something that one very rarely associates with a CR Report: fun.

As with the environment: we saved 93% of paper in comparison to the previous year.

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