Cannes Lions

The Call to Action



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
1 of 0 items






Tubi is a free streaming service that makes money from advertisers only. Our brief was to raise awareness of the Tubi brand and be top of mind to Media Buyers during the annual Upfronts and NewFonts media conventions, when media buys are planned for the year. The reason being, Media Buyers can dictate which channels are worth investing media dollars into, as one of their primary goals is to find unique audiences to advertise to. On the backdrop of a more competitive landscape than ever before, Tubi needed to find a way to convince Media Buyers that we had a truly unique audience, without being an official sponsor of the conventions themselves. If successful, our main objective was to to increase revenue with a target KPI of 10% increase in media growth.


Our creative was to inform media buyers that with over 50,000 titles, Tubi’s niche content has something for everyone, even them. To do this, we created a niche film series for media buyers, starring media buyers. “The Call To Action” consisted of 3 separate, 5-minute genre films, filled with audience insights. “Under the impression” was a crime drama interrogation where a media buyer was questioned for placing the wrong creative. “Request for Proposal” was a romantic comedy starring a media buyer who developed a campaign to get her boyfriend to propose. “The Gen Z Next Door” was a thriller featuring a media buyer who would do anything to learn audience insights. The films themselves were crafted with excellence, created by up-and-coming independent filmmakers, with the goal of making real films full of action, suspense, and drama that would be worthy of an independent film festival.


By purposefully avoiding the mainstream, mass audience approach, Tubi houses almost every unique audience. It was the brand insight that gave Tubi the power of differentiation: Tubi isn’t for

one audience, it has content that engages EVERY unique audience, even media buyers. The campaign proved how Tubi’s content offering was so niche, that it would have something unique for all audiences. The product, “The Call to Action: A Film Series for Marketers,” was a Trojan Horse — a B2B campaign that felt like a B2C campaign for media buyers. We knew they’d be bombarded by graphs, statistics and figures, at NewFronts, so we made something that would truly attract their attention — new content starring…them.


Just like any other Tubi original content, the series was treated like a cinematic launch – complete with digital trailers, billboards, wild postings, truck wraps, taxi toppers, digital boards, and subway advertising canvassing the areas where Upfronts and NewFronts events were happening. Whether at the Fulton Street subway station, on the streets around the World Trade Center you couldn’t miss us. We also took over media buyer’s online world, with targeted ads across social, SEO, and banners on the websites our audience frequents. By honing in on our audience through demographic targeting and keyword usage, we shared our film trailers across Meta, LinkedIn and Twitter. And took over trade publications like Adage and Adweek over the week of NewFronts.


The campaign produced some groundbreaking results for the brand, like $230M in revenue in Q2: an unprecedented quarterly increase of 15%. The New York City takeover & trade-press takeover had 1.33B impressions during the campaign period. The films had 10.3M total views, generating over 100,000 clicks. And they produced Record High KPIs from Q4 ‘22 to Q2 ‘23: increasing brand familiarity from 66% to 72%, and brand momentum from 21% to 33%.

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