Cannes Lions

The Designated Roulette Six Pack


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Case Film
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During 2018, 20 deaths per day due to traffic accidents took place in Argentina, being alcohol consumption one of the top main reasons, we decided to do something during the Global Beer Responsible Day. We worked with a clear insight: when friends are going out, nobody wants to be chosen as the designated driver, and this generates fights among friends. To help the, we created an innovative pack, The Designated Roulette Six Pack: 5 cans filled with beer and 1 filled with water, so the person who got the can with water, was the designated driver of the night.

This special edition pack was distributed among many groups of friends, in specials events and nightclubs, PR and influencers. Also, we launched a special stock in our e-commerce store to simplify the selection of the designated driver."


From the insight that led to the idea, we developed the six pack consisting of 5 cans of beer and 1 of water. The idea was to be present on the occasion of consumption of the previous and the night with friends in a playful and simple way, proposing to have a good time and, most importantly, designate the driver without fights.

For the development of the idea, we developed 10.000 special edition packs, the main challenge we faced in the production of water cans since it required altering it in order to include them in the Budweiser production line.

In order to reach our audience and boost pack sales both

in the brand's ecommerce channel as well as in the retails channel and make it known that during the weekend it would be available in the main bars and nightclubs


- Awareness Stage:

We generated a video that revealed the special edition pack and the concept of the campaign through our social networks

Influencers related to our audience also received and interacted with the limited edition pack. The influencers strategy was key to give visibility at the national level through celebrities and at the local level thanks to regional micro influencers who approach the communities of different provinces.

PR amplification was highly organic

The platforms of bars and nightclubs were also part of the amplification and preview of the weekend.

2- Purchase Stage:

We develop pieces for social networks and banners in programmatic with direct CTA to purchase in Craft Society (own of the brand), Cencosud digital channels and main bars and nightclubs in the country.


We generated a video that revealed the special edition pack and the concept of the campaign through our social networks.

Influencers related to our audience also received and interacted with the limited edition pack.

The platforms of bars and nightclubs were also part of the amplification and preview of the weekend.

Also, we develop pieces for social networks and banners in programmatic with direct CTA to purchase in Craft Society (own of the brand), Cencosud digital channels and main bars and nightclubs in the country.


We not only developed the CSR pillar through a relevant idea that proposed in a simple and fun way, raise awareness about the choice of the designated driver, but we managed to continue building our main objective as a brand, to connect with our youngest target on the occasion of nighttime consumption.

In terms of sales we were able to liquidate the stock of the 10.000 packs in just one week through ecommerce, e-retails and on premise.

In social media channels, the scope of action was greater than 3 million people.

We generate an Engagement Rate +96% and 3M impressions.

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