Spikes Asia

The Extinguisher Mat

DENTSU CREATIVE, Jakarta / BRI / 2023


3 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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Home to variously scattered populous areas, fire incidents have become one of the deadliest disasters in Jakarta. Over 3000 fire incidents, 75% occurred in densely populated areas (Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics, 2021).

This situation challenged BRINS as a fire insurance provider in Indonesia, specifically around Jakarta area, how to be not only responsive but also preventive in this situation?


Enhance the familiar way of fire fighting through an innovative tool with a traditional twist to make it more effective, accessible, and minimize the risk of fire incident.

We targeted people in densely populated areas that doesn’t have a fire extinguisher and make The Extinguisher Mat as a mandatory emergency item to be made accessible anytime in every home.

We wanted to build fire-safe environments across Jakarta, raising awareness on the importance of having full protection through BRINS’ fire insurance.


This mat cannot only extinguish the fire but also give information through its illustration about how to prevent fire incidents including the instruction for mitigation and the importance of having fire insurance. We also put a QR code on the mat so people can directly contact a BRINS representative and registers themselves to get full protection from BRINS Fire Insurance.


We made an awareness-provoking depiction on how to deal with fire through catchy traditional style of illustration. The object of the visual and the context of the headline carefully chosen and crafted based on the top three of main reasons that trigger the cause of the fire.

These illustration then printed on high-absorbent burlaps utilizing an anti-fire mixture created by mixing AF21Y (a chemical flame inhibitor) with ink pigment made it as a traditional-fire extinguishing tool that formed as an useful mat.

While distributing The Extinguisher Mat to fire prone housing around Jakarta, we have also done community outreach to educate how to perform a proper countermeasure.

To make it more accessible, we placed The Extinguisher Mat in the most crucial fire-prone points to function as a fire extinguisher box that can be broken to be used in case of emergency.


It becomes the solution for those who cannot afford fire extinguishers. Hence, now they finally have a proper tool in case of emergency with minimum risk of fatality.

Collaborated with the Fire Services Department to validate the quality, this mat has proven effective in extinguishing source of fire, then fairly distributed to protect 14 crucial areas.

The Extinguisher Mat got covered by more than 10 publishers, with news value worth IDR 1.8 billion. The hashtag #KarpetAntiApi became a trending topic in Indonesia. Through this publicity, we have made people more aware about the importance of having fire insurance. In addition, many of them reached out to our representative through QR code that put in the mat and our installation.