Cannes Lions

The Fe(male) Song

VALOR, Lima / CARE / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






CARE is an NGO with different pillars on which their work is sustained. One of them is the pillar of gender equality and social inclusion, where they, amongst other things, work for girls to have the same opportunities as boys growing up, in order for them to reach their full potential.

In a sexist society that, without knowing, wrongly educated children through entertainment teaching them that boys could be whatever they wanted to be and girls only could be certain things, we changed the message of a children's song so that all girls can grow up believing they can be anything they wish to be.

CARE's work for gender equality and social inclusion is recognized worldwide, and with this work we continue on that path.

The brief: put forth a strong message: that girls need the same opportunities as boys.

The objective: generate as much donations as possible.


“I Want To Be”, one of the most iconic songs of “Nubeluz”, a kids’ show from the nineties, was about children fulfilling their dreams of being professionals, but in its music video the professions with the highest salary and visibility were only represented by boys, and since the spanish language can identify if a profession is held by a male or a female, the song itself discriminated all girls. That’s how, without knowing, they grew up believing they could only become certain things.

We rewrote the song changing the gender of all professions from male to female, and also the lyrics, that now carry a message of empowerment and equality.

We also reshot the music video with girls representing all professions and gave light to some women from that generation that ended up being what they wanted to be as an example to all Peruvian girls today.


We gathered data from market research, focus groups and the client's commercial intelligence business area.

Our target was men and women 18 and older who think that men and women should have equal opportunities in life. Also, businesses, organizations and media companies that want to help the cause.

The approach we took was to boldly change an iconic song and video from the past, to learn from its mistakes and fix them in the present, so that the future of millions of Peruvian girls could shine brighter, with the right opportunities.


With local singer Wendy Sulca, we rewrote the song changing the gender of all professions from male to female, and also the lyrics, that now carry a message of empowerment and equality.

We also reshot the music video with girls representing all professions and gave light to some women from that generation that ended up being what they wanted to be as an example to all Peruvian girls today.

Once the video was set, we spoke with different national media channels that helped us spread the music video and the campaign, generating a media buzz that helped us surpass the donations' goal 10 times.


+8M people reached.

+10 media channels organically talked about the campaign.

+20 influencers organically talked about the campaign.

Donations goal was surpassed x10 times.

1,200,000 girls were helped.

Brand Awareness went fom 40% to 60%

Brand Purpose Awareness went from 30% to 51%

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