Cannes Lions

The Global Goal


Case Film
Supporting Images
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End poverty. Save the planet. Achieve gender equality. Unless you know your rights, you can’t fight for them. How do you set out to solve such vitally important issues so that every one of the world’s 7 billion people can take action?

For the first time, the world has a plan. It was our job to transform it into an accessible visual language.

Introducing the Global Goals for 2030. We turned the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into a global brand using simple copy and a unique identity system. Our icons transcend language, race, and geography; and act as a framework for governments, corporations, and NGOs to engage with every person on the planet to find long-term solutions for long-standing problems, including gender equality.

We emphasize Goal 5 because 2016 is the year of Global Girls. Goal 5 calls for an end to all discrimination, violence, and injustice perpetrated against women by individuals and institutions; and advocates for equal rights, equal pay, equal representation, and equal education.

We strongly believe that empowering women is vital to securing the success of 16 other goals outlined by the UN plan. So far, men have failed; women will fix the world.


On September 25, 2015, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development were ratified by 193 member states of the United Nations. Benchmarks for each goal’s targets extend through the year 2030.

In the lead up to the official launch, our branding appeared on posters and signage advertising the Global Citizen Festival and was also projected onto the United Nations’ headquarters in New York City. The experiential installation was viewed by everyone from Richard Curtis to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

Public awareness of the Global Goals continues to spread via social media and celebrity endorsements. Our branding maintains a global presence in the hands of some of the world’s most prominent activists.

Talks pertaining to the design of the Global Goals have since been held Earth to Paris and the World Economic Forum. With 2016 being the year of the “Global Girls,” our work on gender equality is receiving special emphasis.


The Global Goals is an ambitious, not-for-profit project designed to address and mitigate gender disparity and other complex problems threatening humanity and our planet today.

To date, our branding has found its way into the hands of some of the world’s most lauded activists, politicians, and artists; provided a backdrop to the Global Citizen festival where girls were celebrated by Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, and Beyonce; and been the focus of economic talks and prestigious panels.

We designed the brand to grow with the Global Goals’ missions to create meaningful change through 2030. We are committed to producing graphics and content that track our collective progress towards gender equality, climate action, increased literacy, and more for the next fifteen years.

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