Cannes Lions

The Hangover Whopper

DM9, Sao Paulo / BURGER KING / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






Situation: End of the year is usually marked by some excesses. Specially in happy hours amongst friends and co-workers, which lead to some hangovers. End of the year is also a time where our sales through the Burger King app decrease as many people go on vacation and are out of town.

Brief: How can we increase our app sales by leveraging the fact that the Whopper is the unspoken food of choice after a big night out?

Objectives: Increase Burger King app sales during the holiday season.


We created a functionality using facial recognition technology that identified the level of hangover the user had. From none to a very bad hangover, the app then offered an appropriate coupon that gave discounts in different whopper combos to help cure the user's hangover.


Data gathering happened through a safe and private gathering of facial recognition and ran against the open data base from the National Library of Medicine study on the effect of alcohol on peoples facial expressions.

After the level of hangover was established, all data gathered was disposed and deleted.


Implementation: The hangover whopper was launched through influencers, then made available through the Burger King app and on Instagram, X and TikTok.

Timeline: December 15th through January 5th

Placement: Instagram, TikTok, X, Burger King app

Scale: 3,000 coupons were made available. 3,000 coupons were claimed and turned into purchases within the Burger King app.

Business Impact: 5% increase in whopper sales on the app compared to the same period last year.


Business Impact: 5% increase in whopper sales on the app compared to the same period last year.

Response Rate: 93% coupon to purchases within.

Change in Behavior: 5% increase in whopper sales on the app compared to the same period last year.

Brand Perception: 82% positive brand perception towards the idea.

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