Dubai Lynx

The Heart of Dubai Digital Art


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TОDA is the UAE's first digital art theatre that offers a 360° immersive experience to its visitors. Using state-of-the-art technology, it takes visitors into an immersive way of appreciating masterpieces from the world’s most notable artists and contemporary digital creatives.

When visiting TODA for the first time, we fell in love with this unique digital space in the heart of Dubai. But TODA's visual identity was unfortunately not as good as their fantastic events. That’s why we proposed to update the visual style pro bono. The team was inspired by this opportunity and thanks to the joint work the project came to life.


Some people might think that digital art is all about form, not substance, some consider it pretentious and soulless. We prove them wrong with this symbol of beating heart, pumping adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin right into the minds of digital-art-non-believers.

Digital shows, **live paintings, wellness activities, music events, education and masterclasses, family shows – whatever we do, it’s now a part of a single organism – alive and breathing, evolving, having its own color, texture, animation and speed. The system is as dynamic as contemporary digital art itself.


The core element of the identity is a 3D object which symbolizes a heart. The ball changes shape, colour and texture depending on the pulse and emotions that people get from being in TODA DUBAI. If it is yoga, then the pulse is calm — the ball turns slowly, it is half transparent. On the contrary, if it’s an electronic music concert, then the pulse is rapid — the ball is strongly deformed, it becomes sharp and edgy.

There are all kinds of events — all forms of multimedia art, including immersive exhibitions, music performances and AR/VR art, events for kids and families, concerts and shows. We have developed more than 7 unique 3D logos, as well as a static logo, created a color differentiation system for each category, developed a library of textures, animations and templates. All these materials have become a part of the updated design system.


The identity is in the active process of implementation, but the number of views and subscribers in social networks has already increased significantly, as well as the website conversion rates. But most importantly, it's a cultural influence - one of the most unique interactive spaces in Dubai has finally got its modern look.