Cannes Lions

The Heinz Wait

VML, Buenos Aires / KRAFT HEINZ / 2024

Case Film
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In 2023, Heinz conducted several surveys to gain deeper insights into consumers' loyalty to their beloved tomato ketchup.

The results prompted the brand's team to ponder whether the act of pouring the sauce onto food over the years amounted to unexpected durations, akin to mundane tasks like flicking switches or buttoning shirts, which consume hours of people's lives without their awareness. This led to product research with Heinz's development team, revealing that a single, average ketchup pour out of the brand’s iconic bottle took 5.7 seconds.

Proving that people interact with the brand for prolonged periods of time in a positive way would reinforce Heinz’ enduring brand love and create engaging and unexpected messaging.


Data enhanced the creative output from the very first moment in ‘Heinz Hourz’, as the campaign’s development began after collecting information from surveys, probing various habits related to Heinz ketchup consumption. This data provided invaluable insights into consumer behavior, steering the campaign's ultimate direction. Implementation involved thorough analysis of the gathered data, unveiling patterns and trends, particularly concerning the time taken to pour ketchup and unveiling the 5.7/pour statistic. These insights were integrated into the campaign, with the development of equations to calculate hourly results. This data-driven approach was applied across different age groups, ensuring the campaign's relevance to a diverse audience.


The data-driven strategy behind ‘Heinz Hourz’ started by gathering information from surveys in 2023. These surveys asked consumers about different habits they had around Heinz ketchup (how many times a week they had it, what age did they start liking it, what was their preferred product presentation, and so on). After collecting this data, the brand's team shared the newly found stats, which then prompted the equation that led to the hourly results featured in the campaign. By portraying different age groups, like kids, adults, and older folks, it became easier to target audiences to relate to the idea. With this approach, "Heinz Hourz" put some math in ketchup while keeping it fun and brought people closer to the brand.


The 'Heinz Hourz' campaign achieved significant impact across various metrics: with a reach of over 9 million impressions, it effectively engaged the target audience and fostered a deeper appreciation for the brand's signature product. Additionally, it enhanced brand perception, with consumers associating Heinz with humor and relatability, as it shed light on the considerable time invested in pouring the condiment. This revelation transformed a mundane activity into a source of engagement and appreciation, fostering a deeper bond with the brand.

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