Cannes Lions

The Helping Pots

VMLY&R, Lima / AB INBEV / 2022

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Case Film






Situation: Due to the pandemic, hunger and poverty in Peru increased significantly, as did the need for Common Pots.

Brief: Cristal, the beer that always accompanies our people, had to do something about it – but what could a beer brand do?

Objectives: Make a real impact and help needy neighborhoods in Peru.


There is something that Peruvians do in times of crisis. It is called Common Pots: large pots filled with food that feed thousands of families in need, but due to Covid-19, the demand for these pots increased significantly. How could a beer help in this situation?

The secret was hidden in our cans. We decided to donate our Cristal cans, melt them, and with all the aluminum, created more Pots to feed thousands of families. With some help from our allies, we sent the pots filled with food to many parts of Peru. And this initiative is not over yet, as we continue making more Helping Pots through a recycling campaign. Thanks to this action, many people have been able to deal with hunger.


Our target audience were the people who needed help the most – people living across the country who had lost their jobs, and even family members, and were suffering from poverty and hunger.

Our strategy was bringing them help at this difficult time, which is why we sent the Helping Pots filled with food across the country with the help of our allies: governmental organizations and private companies who bring us food and pay for transport.

Many Peruvians donated their Cristal cans at our recycling points located in supermarkets, to continue making more Helping Pots.


We recollect thousands of beer cans to melt them, and with all the aluminum we created our Helping Pots, because we discovered that the pots and our main product – beer cans – are made of the same material. All these Pots were sent across Peru filled with food, thanks to the alliances we established with other companies in the food sector. This idea was implemented on 10 August 2021. And it is not over yet; we continue making more Helping Pots for more Peruvians and more neighborhoods in need.


With the Helping Pots, we deliver 21,900,000 plates of food per year.

+8512 families and +34k persons benefited.

+7,000,000 people reached.

+ $61,000 on free press.

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