Cannes Lions

The Immortal Flame

BETC HAVAS, Sao Paulo / SANTANDER / 2024

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The brief aimed to attract Generation Z to Santander in Brazil by offering more than traditional banking services. The challenge was to generate FOMO and increase brand relevance among youth. Santander tackled this challenge by partnering with influential music artists and innovatively incorporating the virtual currency of Free Fire, known as Dima, into tangible championship rings for the top players of the Brazilian Free Fire League. This strategy positioned Santander as a lifestyle brand aligned with youth interests.


The creative idea was to bridge the gap between the virtual gaming world and the real world by transforming the virtual currency of Free Fire, Dima, into tangible championship rings. By leveraging 3D titanium printing technology, Santander brought Dima's source code into the physical realm, creating unique and prestigious rings for the top players of the Brazilian Free Fire League. This innovative approach not only celebrated the achievements of these players but also showcased Santander's commitment to innovation and technology. The incorporation of Dima into the rings symbolized the intersection of gaming culture and real-world recognition, establishing Santander as a brand that understands and values the interests of Brazil's gaming community. Additionally, by aligning with the country's passion for gaming and competition, Santander enhanced its brand relevance and engagement among the youth demographic.


How could a bank enter the gaming world endemically if not by doing what it does best? Talking about values.

For new generations, money transcends the physical, assuming various forms and formats. For Brazilian gamers and enthusiasts of the Free Fire phenomenon, Dima is the currency they use for daily transactions within the game. However, Dima is a virtual currency present only within Free Fire. Thus, in partnership with Garena, Santander's strategy was to recognize the value not only economic but also cultural, of this currency for the gaming community in Brazil and bring it as the ultimate symbol of the biggest prize in the world's largest Free Fire championship.


The production process aimed to translate Free Fire's virtual currency, Dima, into tangible championship rings, symbolizing gaming achievements. This required innovative 3D titanium printing technology to faithfully capture Dima's essence. Challenges included ensuring authenticity and precision in the intricate ring design while coordinating production with the Brazilian Free Fire League's schedule. Additionally, maintaining secrecy was crucial to prevent spoilers. Despite these challenges, the team remained committed to delivering a groundbreaking result that celebrated Free Fire players' achievements and elevated Santander's brand presence within the gaming community.


Santander's initiative to integrate Free Fire's virtual currency, Dima, into tangible championship rings yielded significant results across various metrics. These rings not only elevated the recognition of Free Fire players but also fueled aspirations within the gaming community, underscoring the cultural significance of gaming achievements. The innovative concept garnered widespread attention, reaching millions of gamers and non-gamers through various media channels, amplifying Santander's brand presence.

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