Cannes Lions

The Jack Ryan Training Field


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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan was one of the highly anticipated new shows of Amazon Prime. To amplify the launch of the new series, Amazon wanted to create a one of a kind experience for fans at the popular San Diego International Comic Con conference. The objective was to recreate the world of Jack Ryan and send fans on an unforgettable adventure.


Combining technology and thrills, The Jack Ryan Training Field was a hyper-realistic 4D experience that challenged Comic-Con visitors to navigate a 30ft-high obstacle course in VR. Equipped with an Oculus Rift, fans rappelled from helicopters, crossed narrow planks between buildings and ziplined from rooftops to complete a nerve-racking training mission. The experience was further enhanced by 4D effects delivered by scent machines, vibration motors mimicking helicopter rotors, and fans blowing on people as they rappelled down. Mapped and tracked through OptiTrack, people could freely move through the installation and pick up objects to complete their mission, delivering a range of movement that had never been achieved outdoors before.


Offsite events at Comic-Con have rapidly grown, so the insight was to communicate to press that the Jack Ryan Experience was the biggest/boldest yet. The key messaging of the PR campaign focused on the ‘world’s first outdoor hyper-reality adventure’ that puts fans in the footsteps of Jack Ryan.

The phased press campaign revolved around targeting a wide mix of audiences including: VR and technology enthusiasts, gaming, comic-book and entertainment lovers and consumer/lifestyle outlets. The approach covered a (24/7) cross-continental press office covering all timezones along with distribution of a press release along with 1-1 interviews with journalists in A-list publications including a press pack with high quality video content – featuring the show talent – preview images, and a dedicated press website Exclusive VIP and press events were held on-site using influencers and A-list stars such as Ronda Rousey and Joel Embiid as well as US military.


The four-day event ran from 19 July - 22 July 2018 at one of the largest pop culture events of the US. Transporting visitors into the heart of the Middle East in a 60,000 square foot world's first activation of this scale, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan Experience featured: The Jack Ryan Training Field, a thrilling blend of virtual reality and the physical world featuring ziplines and car chases; Dark Ops, an escape experience that recreates the show’s pilot episode; and the Bazaar, filled with missions to be completed at every turn.

The hyperreality experience was a combination of a real-world objects that were incorporated in a virtual reality world. Equipped with an Oculus Rift, real life movement and items immersed the user in the world of a spy. The 450ft long journey included a vertical aspect, with operatives rappelling down a helicopter and ziplining towards the final stage of their mission. Visitors completed the Jack Ryan Training Field adventure by

infiltrating, fighting and evading the enemy to gain full field clearance.


The experience was covered in over 1000 news articles worldwide, with an estimated reach of 1.4 billion. It also generated millions of Twitch views and a peak viewership of 34K. The Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan Experience made history by becoming the most talked about activation of Comic Con 2018.

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