Cannes Lions

The King of Stream

DAVID, Madrid / BURGER KING / 2021


1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Burger King has a series of special offers for young people: good food for just a few dollars.

The brief was to communicate these promotions in a fun and cool way.

And to reach them we decided to go to that place where they spend hours and hours watching their favorite gamers: Twitch.


On Twitch, every time you donate money to a streamer, they let you include a message that a bot will automatically read during the stream.

Using this tool, we donated exactly the same amount as the value of our offerings along with a fun message encouraging streamers to spend that money on our products.


Burger King was looking to reach young people, as they are the target audience for these promotions.

To do so, we decided to go to that place where they spend hours and hours, Twitch.

Once there and using a new and unexpected way the tool of donations, we communicate our promotions.


The activation lasted six hours and we ran our offers on the streams of the some gamers in the US.

While they played, we made donations for the same values of our promotions ($1, $2, $3.99...) encouraging them to spend that money on our products.

In a very short time, we reached hundreds of thousands of young people for just a few dollars.


With only $309 we got more than 400,000 people to listen to our promotions. A CPM 400% higher than what we would have achieved on Facebook.

The idea became a topic of conversation on platforms like Twitch, Twitter or Reddit, and even started a debate about the limits of advertising that reached media like the BBC.

Some people loved the idea, others hated it, but most importantly: everyone on the gaming community was talking about The King of Stream.

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