Cannes Lions

The Last Trip



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Supporting Content







More journalists are killed in Mexico than in the Ukrainian war; most of these murders remain unpunished.

Since Lopéz Obrador became president of Mexico, 37 journalists have been murdered in the country, a figure that has caused alarm, as it is the highest since 2000, the year in which Article 19 began registering these murders (Article19, Mexico).


On January 2, a group of armed men entered the home of Moisés Sánchez Cerezo, editor of the Medellín de Bravo newspaper “La Union”. They dragged him from his bed and took him away. 22 days later, his mutilated body was found. The reason: In addition to being a cab driver, he was also the director of the aforementioned newspaper.


Through a film we will raise our voice to create a petition to reopen the impunity cases and also wants to vindicate the role of journalism in Mexico.


We've crafted a short film and a special edition of the newspaper LA UNION to demand justice for the case of a journalist's murder that has remained unsolved for 9 years. We also seek to vindicate the role of journalism in Mexico, highlighted in recent years for links to drug trafficking, when what happens is the opposite, they denounce the government's irregularities and it is the same state that murders them.



Mexican society has highlighted and normalized the death of journalists, journalistic work in Mexico is seen as dubious and murders matter less and less to Mexicans.

Key Message.

The campaign's key message was to sign the petition to reopen Moisés Sánchez's case.

• Target audience (consumer demographic / individuals / organisations)

Our target audience was Mexican society, to humanize and vindicate journalistic work. It all started with La Unión newspaper and became national thanks to Article 19.

• Creation and distribution of assets.

Our main channel was digital, media, journalists, the newspaper was distributed specifically to politicians, media and throughout the country.


• Implementation

The campaign was based mainly on the efforts of direct media, everything was achieved organically, the film was screened with other media and journalists, the newspaper was sent to different media, politicians, and through the RR.SS

• Timeline

It all started within the framework of the day of the Mexican and Latin American journalist, from there the film was launched in cinema, a press conference, the publication of the material on social networks and a PR in important media that led us to be on the schedule star on CNN with Carmen Aristegui, one of the most important voices in journalism in Mexico.

• Placement

Our film was screened for other media, journalists, and the newspaper was specifically targeted with politicians, governments, decision makers and civil society.

• Scale

In the first weeks we managed to collect thousands of signatures to seek the opening of Moisés Sánchez's case.


• Media Outputs –

With 0 media investment we achieve:

IMPACT: 35,502,864 de impressions / impact.

REACH: 1,112,230

ENGAGEMENT: The average page reproduction rate increased by 511%.

• Target Audience Outcomes – In the first week thousands of people signed the petition, shared the film, and learned about Moisés' story, changing the thinking that many journalists are killed because of links to organized crime and the narco, to realizing that they are killed by the state, just for communicating the truth.

• Business Outcomes – Article 19 is making people and the government realize that this problem is reaching war-like statistics, Article 19 is also succeeding in humanizing the problem of the murder of journalists, a problem that Mexican society was normalizing. Reinvindicating the journalist's position in society.

We also managed to collect thousands of signatures to reopen the case and bring justice to Moisés Sanchéz.

We generated awareness about Moisés' case and those of hundreds of journalists who remain unpunished in Mexico.