Cannes Lions



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We successfully re-launched Xchanging’s insurance software arm as ‘Xuber’ last October (2012), helping to build relationships from scratch with key members of the insurance and technology press and ‘ultimately making a real difference to (Xuber’s) business pipeline’ (Adrian Morgan (Head of Xuber).

We worked with Xchanging’s Insurance Software Business to develop a business story for Xuber’s spokespeople to take to the press and key stakeholders.

The pre-launch messaging stage proved invaluable to the success of the campaign, with key messages underpinning all media materials and internal communications.

This was followed by a high-speed media relations campaign in which we facilitated relationships between Xuber and key target journalists, so they would understand the story.


August 2012: We ran intensive in-person workshops with senior Xuber figures in order to agree a messaging house summarising five key messages (supported with proof points) and coupled with a vision statement. These messages were used throughout the campaign to support everything from media training, underpin press releases, and incorporated into Xuber’s own internal communications and advertising around the launch – becoming Xuber’s mission statement.

September 2012: We proceeded to ‘warm-up’ the target media through a series of phone briefings to introduce them to Xchanging’s software business, and also drip-feeding corporate news, such as appointments.

October 2012: Full-launch – launch event at the Sushi Samba, in the Heron Tower – at the heart of London’s insurance market. This was complimented by guerrilla marketing activity, such as Xuber branded butlers serving coffee outside of Lloyds of London. We capitalised on this by arranging a photo opportunity and diary piece with City AM, London’s morning business newspaper – a popular publication amongst the London insurance market.


- Signing new contracts/new business – launch activity fed directly into an increase in new business leads and demo/meeting requests with 22 coming directly off the back of the launch event and subsequent publicity

- Media coverage: The launch story achieved 27 articles across the insurance and technology media, and was the lead story across all target insurance trade publications on the day following the launch event. 100% of articles conveyed at least 4 out of 5 of the key messages, including that this was far more than a rebrand. The combined circulation of publications the story appeared in was 3.4 million.

- The two weeks following the launch saw 3,052 visits to the Xuber website, a very high number for a B2B website in this space.

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